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Manage audience roles

How to manage granular permissions roles for audiences in Optimizely Feature Experimentation.

You can assign the following audience roles to a user or team:

  • Admin – Can access and edit an audience and view its content, plus can modify other users' audience permissions.
  • Editor – Can access and edit an audience and view its content.
  • Viewer – Can access the audience and view its content.

Audience permissions

Your role (such as Viewer or Editor) in an audience determines your level of access to it. This role is determined based on where the audience is used and your permissions for those entities.

  • Unused audience – If an audience is not used in any flags, your project role determines your audience role. For example, a project "Editor" is an "Editor" for an unused audience.
  • Audiences in use – When an audience is used in a flag, your audience role is the lowest of your roles across the following:
    • Flags where the audience is used.
    • Environments (such as Production and Development) within those flags where the audience is applied.

Your audience role is the least permissive role among related flags and environments to ensure you cannot exceed your intended privileges. Optimizely maintains a secure permissions model based on the principle of least privilege by using the lowest common role. For example:

  • Consistent "Editor" roles – If you are an "Editor" for related flags and environments, you are an "Editor" for the audience.
  • Mixed roles – If you are an "Editor" for Flag A but a "Viewer" for the Production environment, and the audience is used in Flag A's Production environment, you are a "Viewer" for the audience.

The following table summarizes permission levels:

ScenarioProject roleFlag roleEnvironment roleAudience role
Audience not usedEditorN/AN/AEditor
Audience not usedViewerN/AN/AViewer
Consistent "Editor" roleEditorEditorEditorEditor
Mixed roles, "Viewer" lowestEditorEditorViewerViewer

Update an audience role

  1. Go to Audiences > Saved.

  2. For the audience you want to update, select More Options (...) > Manage Permissions.

  3. Select the Users or Teams tab.

  4. (Optional) To filter the users or teams, you can enter a name on the Search for a user or Search for a team field.

  5. Click Edit for the user or team you want to update.



    You cannot update the audience role permissions for Administrators and Project Owners.

    All other roles display Check Details for the Audience Role because the audience role is determined based on where the audience is used and the user's permissions for those entities. See the Audience permissions section for information.

  6. Select the updated Audience Role for the user or team.

  7. Click Save.