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Cookie options

Describes the default settings for cookies in Optimizely Edge Agent and how to override them.



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The cookieOptions module specifies the default options for setting cookies within Optimizely Edge Agent. This module provides a standard cookie configuration, ensuring consistency and security across different environments.

The default cookie options are used when creating cookies with Optimizely Edge Agent. However, you can override these defaults by passing your options in the relevant function and method calls. This customizes the cookie behavior to suit your specific requirements.

Default cookie options

The cookieDefaultOptions object contains the default settings for cookies used by Optimizely Edge Agent. The following is a detailed description of each option:

 * @module cookieOptions
 * The CookieOptions specifies the default options for the cookies. *

const cookieDefaultOptions = {
    path: '/', // Default path for the cookie.
    expires: new Date( + 86400e3 * 365), // Sets expiration date to 365 days from now.
    maxAge: 86400 * 365, // Maximum age of the cookie in seconds (365 days).
    domain: '', // Domain where the cookie is valid.
    secure: true, // Indicates if the cookie should be sent over secure protocol only.
    httpOnly: true, // Indicates that the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
    sameSite: 'none', // Cross-site request setting for the cookie.
    // Options are:
    // - "Strict": The cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests.
    // - "Lax": The cookie is not sent on cross-site requests except when navigating to the target site.
    // - "None": The cookie will be sent on both same-site and cross-site requests. Requires `Secure` to be true.

export default cookieDefaultOptions;

Option Descriptions

  • path
    • Type – String
    • Default'/'
    • Description – The path attribute specifies the URL path in the requested URL for the browser to send the Cookie header. Setting this to '/' makes the cookie available to the entire domain.
  • expires
    • Type – Date
    • Defaultnew Date( + 86400e3 \* 365)
    • Description – Sets the expiration date of the cookie. This is set to 365 days from the current date, meaning the cookie will expire after one year.
  • maxAge
    • Type – Number
    • Default86400 \* 365
    • Description – Sets the maximum age of the cookie in seconds. This value is set to 365 days (86400 seconds per day), matching the expires attribute.
  • domain
    • Type – String
    • Description – Specifies the domain within which this cookie is valid. The leading dot (.) authorizes the cookie to be valid for subdomains of
  • secure
    • Type – Boolean
    • Defaulttrue
    • Description – Indicates whether the cookie should only be transmitted over secure protocols such as HTTPS. Setting this to true enhances the security of the cookie by ensuring it is only sent over encrypted connections.
  • httpOnly
    • Type – Boolean
    • Defaulttrue
    • Description – Restricts the cookie from being accessed through JavaScript through the Document.cookie property. This helps mitigate the risk of client-side script attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • sameSite
    • Type – String
    • Default – none
    • Description – Controls the cross-site request behavior of the cookie. It can take one of the following values:
      • strict – The cookie will only be sent along with same-site requests.
      • lax – The cookie is not sent on cross-site requests except when navigating to the target site.
      • none – The cookie is sent on both same-site and cross-site requests. When none is set, the secure attribute must also be true.


The cookieDefaultOptions object is exported as the module's default export, making it easy to import and use in other parts of the application.

export default cookieDefaultOptions;


To use the default cookie options in your application, import the cookieDefaultOptions module and apply it when setting cookies:

function setCookie(name, value) {
    document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; path=${
    }; expires=${cookieDefaultOptions.expires.toUTCString()}; max-age=${cookieDefaultOptions.maxAge}; domain=${
    }; secure=${}; httpOnly=${cookieDefaultOptions.httpOnly}; sameSite=${

This ensures that cookies within the application adhere to predefined security and behavior standards.