Forced Decision methods for the Go SDK
Describes the Forced Decision methods for the Feature Experimentation Go SDK, which you can use to force users into a specific variation in Optimizely.
These methods help test and debug various flows of your client applications by forcing users into a specific variation.
The Go SDK checks if any Forced Decision methods were implemented before making any decisions. If a matching item is found for the requested flag, the Go SDK will return the forced decision immediately (audience conditions and traffic allocations are ignored) before making normal decisions.
The following describes specific scenarios the Go SDK follows:
- SDK will look up at the beginning of any decide call for the given flag. If a matching Flag-to-Decision forced decision is found for the flag, it returns the decision.
- SDK will look up at the beginning of the decision for the given experiment rule (of the flag key). If a matching Experiment-Rule-to-Decision forced decision is found for the flag, it returns the decision.
- SDK will look up at the beginning of the decision for the given delivery rule (of the flag key). If a matching Delivery-Rule-to-Decision forced decision is found, it returns the decision.
You must associate your variation(s) to a flag rule before calling any Forced Decision methods.
On forced decisions, the Go SDK will fire impression events and notifications just like other normal decisions (unless disabled by the disableDecisionEvent option).
These forced decisions are not persistent and will be cleared when the OptimizelyUserContext is re-initialized.
For information about each Forced Decision method, click on the method name:
type OptimizelyDecisionContext struct {
FlagKey string
RuleKey string
type OptimizelyForcedDecision struct {
VariationKey string
Set Forced Decision method – setForcedDecision()
1.8.0 or higher
Sets a forced decision (VariationKey
) for a given OptimizelyDecisionContext
This table lists the required and optional parameters for the Go SDK.
Parameter | Type | Description |
context required | Struct | An instance of OptimizelyDecisionContext with the required FlagKey and optional RuleKey for the forced decision you want to set. |
decision required | Struct | An instance of OptimizelyForcedDecision with the required VariationKey for the forced decision you want to set. |
A boolean value that indicates if setting the forced decision (VariationKey
) was completed successfully.
See the Full code example section.
Get Forced Decision method – getForcedDecision()
1.8.0 or higher
Returns the forced decision (VariationKey
) for a given OptimizelyDecisionContext
. Returns the OptimizelyForcedDecision
instance with error
if there is no matching item.
This table lists the required and optional parameters for the Go SDK.
Parameter | Type | Description |
context required | Struct | An instance of OptimizelyDecisionContext with the required FlagKey and optional RuleKey for the forced decision you want to get. |
A forced decision OptimizelyForcedDecision
instance for the context with an error if no matching item exists.
See the Full code example section.
Remove Forced Decision method – removeForcedDecision()
1.8.0 or higher
Removes the forced decision (VariationKey
) for a given OptimizelyDecisionContext
This table lists the required and optional parameters for the Go SDK.
Parameters | Type | Description |
context required | Struct | An instance of OptimizelyDecisionContext with the required FlagKey and optional RuleKey for the forced decision you want to remove. |
A success/failure boolean status if the forced decision (VariationKey
) was removed.
See the Full code example section.
Remove All Forced Decisions method – removeAllForcedDecisions()
1.8.0 or higher
Removes all forced decisions (VariationKey
) for the user context.
This table lists the required and optional parameters for the Go SDK.
Parameters | Type | Description |
None | N/A | N/A |
A success/failure boolean status.
See the Full code example section.
Full code example
factory := &client.OptimizelyFactory{SDKKey: "sdk-key"}
if optimizely, err := factory.StaticClient(); err == nil {
user := optimizely.CreateUserContext("test-user", map[string]interface{}{})
flagContext := decision.OptimizelyDecisionContext{FlagKey: "flag-1"}
flagAndABTestContext := decision.OptimizelyDecisionContext{FlagKey: "flag-1", RuleKey: "ab-test-1"}
flagAndDeliveryRuleContext := decision.OptimizelyDecisionContext{FlagKey: "flag-1", RuleKey: "delivery-1"}
variationAForcedDecision := decision.OptimizelyForcedDecision{VariationKey: "variation-a"}
variationBForcedDecision := decision.OptimizelyForcedDecision{VariationKey: "variation-b"}
variationOnForcedDecision := decision.OptimizelyForcedDecision{VariationKey: "on"}
// set a forced decision for a flag
success := user.SetForcedDecision(flagContext, variationAForcedDecision)
decision := user.Decide("flag-1", nil)
// set a forced decision for an ab-test rule
success = user.SetForcedDecision(flagAndABTestContext, variationBForcedDecision)
decision = user.Decide("flag-1", nil)
// set a forced variation for a delivery rule
success = user.SetForcedDecision(flagAndDeliveryRuleContext, variationOnForcedDecision)
decision = user.Decide("flag-1", nil)
// get forced variations
if forcedDecision, err := user.GetForcedDecision(flagContext); err == nil {
fmt.Println("[ForcedDecision] variationKey = " + forcedDecision.VariationKey)
// remove forced variations
success = user.RemoveForcedDecision(flagAndABTestContext)
success = user.RemoveAllForcedDecisions()
See also
Updated 7 months ago