Webhooks for Agent
How to set up a webhook listener for Optimizely Agent.
Optimizely Agent implements a webhook listener used to receive inbound Webhook requests from optimizely.com. These webhooks enable PUSH
-style notifications triggering immediate project configuration updates.
The webhook listener is configured on its own port (default: 8085) because it can be configured to select traffic from the internet.
To accept webhook requests Agent must be configured by mapping an Optimizely Feature Experimentation Project Id to a set of SDK keys along with the associated secret used for validating the inbound request. The following is an example webhook configuration, while the complete example configuration can be found in the provided config.yaml file hosted on GitHub:
## webhook service receives update notifications to your Optimizely Feature Experimentation project. Receipt of the webhook will
## trigger an immediate download of the datafile from the CDN
## HTTP listener port
port: "8089"
## a map of Optimizely Feature Experimentation Projects to one or more SDK keys
## <project-id>: Optimizely Feature Experimentation project id as an integer
## sdkKeys: a list of SDKs linked to this project
- <sdk-key-1>
- <sdk-key-1>
## secret: webhook secret used the validate the notification
secret: <secret-10000>
## skipSignatureCheck: override the signature check (not recommended for production)
skipSignatureCheck: true
When running Agent in High Availability (HA) mode, it is important to ensure that all nodes are updated promptly when a webhook event (datafile updated) is received. By default, only one Agent node or instance will receive the webhook notification. A pub-sub system can be used to ensure this.
Redis, a powerful in-memory data structure store, can be used as a relay to propagate the datafile webhook event to the other nodes in the HA configuration. This ensures that all nodes are notified about the event and can update their datafiles accordingly.
To set up Redis as a relay, you need to enable the datafile sync in your Optimizely Agent configuration. The PubSub feature of Redis is used to publish the webhook notifications to all subscribed Agent nodes.
The following is an example of how you can enable the datafile sync with Redis:
## synchronization should be enabled when features for multiple nodes like notification streaming are deployed
host: "localhost:6379"
password: ""
database: 0
## if datafile synchronization is enabled, then for each webhook API call
## the datafile will be sent to all available replicas to achieve better eventual consistency
enable: true
default: "redis"
Updated about 1 month ago