Find content
How to search and find content in Optimizely CMS (SaaS).
Follow these tips to find Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) content.
To find content in a page, asset, or shared block structure, select content from the page tree structure or the shared blocks and media assets panel.
To find content on a website or application, use the preview option to go to the content on the website or application.
To find text within the content title or body, use the global search in the top menu or the search fields at the top of the navigation and assets panes.
The global search can search all types of content on the application (depending on the configured search provider).
The search fields in the navigation and assets panes search for content in the respective pane and related dialog boxes. See Search configuration.
To find a page's status (for example, draft), use the Tasks tab to find content in the selected status.
To find recently edited content, use the Recently changed status in the Tasks tab.
The Recently Changed gadget displays up to 20 entries.
Updated 15 days ago