Collaborate with comments
Manage comments in Optimizely CMS (SaaS).
Editors produce most application content; on some applications, content or other changes need to be reviewed and approved before publication. To facilitate collaboration among editors when creating content and among editors and reviewers when approving changes, Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) comes with a commenting functionality. You can add comments on content items and projects and tag colleagues, who are notified of your comments.
Comments are a good way to add information about changes you have made or ask other editors to review the item. Other editors can view your comments, reply to them, and add their own. Email notifications may be sent to inform you of other editors' actions.
You can add comments on any content item such as when you are working on an item that needs to be reviewed and want to let the reviewers know exactly what is updated.
Click the comment icon to open the comment pane. The icon is blue when the pane is open; white when closed.
Add a comment in the top comment text box.
Click Post to add a comment.
Click Edit to modify your comment.
Click Reply to reply to a comment.
If you use the Content Approvals feature, an administrator may also have made it mandatory to add a comment when you set an item for Ready for Review.
To add a comment to a content item, open the content item. You need access rights to the item to view and post comments. The following image shows your commenting options.
Enter @ and partial usernames to tag another editor and select from a results list. You can tag any available users, but the tagged user still needs access rights to the project item to see the actual comment. Tagged users are notified of comments in the user interface.

You cannot delete comments or replies.
However, comments are connected to a specific version of an item. If you delete an item version, comments on that version are also deleted.
Updated 16 days ago