Delete and restore content
How to delete and restore content in Optimizely CMS (SaaS).
Optimizely Content Management System (SaaS) can restore deleted content such as elements, pages, shared blocks, folders, and media files. When you remove content, you move it to the trash. You do not delete it. From there, you can restore the content or permanently delete it.
Move content to trash
Select the content to delete and Move to Trash from the context menu.

Content that is moved to trash is automatically unpublished from the application. When moving content to trash, you receive a notification if the content is linked to from other content on the application because the deletion might result in broken links.

Content versions are not supported by trash management. So, when deleting a version in the Versions gadget, the version is permanently deleted.
Restore content
Select View Trash from the panel settings in the navigation or assets panel.
Hover over the desired content item in the list and click Restore. Confirm the restoration and the content is restored to its original place and republished. (You must restore content before you can edit it.)
Delete content permanently
Select View Trash from the panel settings in the navigation or assets panel. Click Empty Trash to delete the trash content permanently (may require administrative access rights). Using a scheduled job, you can automatically empty the trash regularly.
If you want to delete just one item, hover over the item and click Delete. If that single item has children, these children are also deleted permanently.
Updated 15 days ago