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Edit content using TinyMCE

How to edit content using the TinyMCE editor in Optimizely CMS (SaaS).

The TinyMCE rich-text editor lets you enter information such as text with formatting, images, tables, and links to other content. The rich-text editor is used for elements, pages, and shared blocks in Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) (SaaS).

The TinyMCE editor is highly configurable, and a developer may have configured it to look different on different page types. Several plug-ins might be added to your editor, which are not described in this user guide. The CMS (SaaS) sample templates have a standard selection of activated editor functions (buttons in the previous image). Contact your administrator for information about your specific TinyMCE implementation.

You can drag and drop shared blocks into the editor area and pages from the page tree to add links.

Format content

The Paragraph option displays a drop-down list with predefined style formats retrieved from the CSS style sheets on the application to be used when formatting text.

You can extend the styles list to include specific formatting for an introduction text, a predefined table layout, or position images with floating text in the editor area.

Editor keyboard shortcuts

You can use many of the standard keyboard shortcuts in the rich-text editor. The following standard keyboard shortcuts are supported in the rich-text editor:

Select allCTRL+ACMD+A
Find and replaceCTRL+FCMD+F
Insert linkCTRL+KCMD+K
Paragraph breakEnterCTRL+O
Line breakShift+EnterShift+Enter
H1–H6 headingsALT+Shift+1–6CTRL+ALT+1–6
Focus to toolbarALT+F10ALT+F10
Toggle fullscreenCTRL+Shift+FCTRL+Shift+F



Certain shortcuts may not work as described depending on customizations and the browser you are using.