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Restart a Web App

Describes how to restart a Web App from the DXP Management Portal, when running your solution in Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP).

In some situations, developers want to restart a site so that changes for source code or configurations are reflected on the site. The Web App restart feature in the DXP Management Portal helps developers resolve those cases.

Given a provisioned project in DXP, log in to the DXP Management Portal, go to the project details, and open the Troubleshoot tab.



The tab does not show when the project is in provisioning or decommissioning.

You can select the environment and site to restart.

  • If it is restarted, you will see a message like the following:

    Restarted the site {sitename} for the environment Integration successfully.

  • Otherwise, an error message displays.

    An error occurred: The environment: undefined of project {project-id} is not found.

  • A forbidden error message displays for users who do not have access rights to a specific environment.

    Forbidden. You cannot restart site {sitename} for the environment Production.