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Troubleshoot DXP self-service

Provides guidance for handling issues that might occur during deployment through the DXP Management Portal with Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP).

File size of Web App is too big (over 900 MB)

To enhance performance, scalability, and management, you should store content on DXP Web Apps using BLOB storage (and SQL database). The Web App's local file system is meant for code only, and normally does not have large amounts of disk space. 

To improve stability and performance further, the underlying Web App uses a local cache, which also has a limited size; see Azure App Service Local Cache overview (Microsoft). This limit is currently set to 900 MB.

The deployment engine for DXP verifies that the Web App is below this limit. If the limit is exceeded, it may affect the ability to swap a new slot into production, the time it takes to warm up a new instance during scale-outs, and the reliability of backups, to name a few examples.

Implementation of an ipSecurity section in web.config

This is not supported because it will not work reliably in DXP. See Restrict environment access for information about implementing IP restrictions in a supported way.

Metadata file could not be found for DXP Service

During DXP deployment to preproduction or production environments, the following error message may display when the application starts: 

error CS0006: Metadata file 'D:\local\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\X\X.dll' could not be found.

The DLL is most often App_Code.dll or App_global.asax.dll but it may be any top-level file.



Top-level files include the global.asax file and all files in the bin and App_Code folders.

If this error occurs, set the optimizeCompilations attribute of the compilation element in web.config to false.

For DXP Service, optimizeCompilations does not improve anything; you cannot update individual files without restarting an app service because the App Service Local Cache feature is enabled. Also, the deployment flow deploys to an empty wwwroot in the slot that is in a stopped state, and after files are deployed, it starts up and warms up; that starts the compilation (for preproduction and production environments). See also: Understand ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation.