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A lightweight Node SDK for sending events and data to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) from a Node JavaScript app in Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP).



This is not a browser compatible SDK. To interface with ODP from a web site, use the ODP Web SDK.

The Node SDK provides interfaces to the majority of ODP REST APIs.

Get started

Install using yarn:

yarn add @zaiusinc/node-sdk

Or npm:

npm install @zaiusinc/node-sdk


To communicate with ODP, you need to obtain and configure an instance of ODPClient.
There are two ways to do this:

  1. Use module scoped instance exported as odp from the SDK.
  2. Create your own instance of ODPClient.

Using module scoped instance is easier, when you don't need to communicate with multiple ODP accounts.
With module scoped instance, you configure the SDK once and then use it throughout your application.
If you're using the Node SDK in an OCP app, module scope comes pre-configured with the private API key.

Creating your own instance of ODPClient gives you more control.

Configuration and usage

You need to configure the SDK with your API keys.
If you are only sending data to ODP, you normally only need your public API key, however, some API calls require your private API key.
You can obtain these from the Account Settings > APIs page in the ODP app.

Using module scoped instance

import { odp } from "@zaiusinc/node-sdk";
  apiKey: "your_public_or_private_api_key",

const event = { type: "pageview", identifiers: { email }, data: { page } };
await odp.event(event);

Alternatively, you can provide the apiKey as an environment variable ODP_SDK_API_KEY and omit cofigure method.

For compatibility with previous versions of the SDK, module scoped instance is also exported as z from the SDK.

Calling configure method is not needed when using the ODP Node SDK in an OCP app.
The SDK is pre-configured with the private API key.

Creating your own instance of ODPClient

import { ODPClient } from "@zaiusinc/node-sdk";
const odp = new ODPClient({
  apiKey: "your_public_or_private_api_key",

const event = { type: "pageview", identifiers: { email }, data: { page } };
await odp.event(event);

Alternatively, you can provide the apiKey as an environment variable ODP_SDK_API_KEY and use parameterless constructor.


The ODP Node SDK is TypeScript first, so no need to install or create additional type definitions.
To access the exported types, import ODP from the SDK.

import { odp, ODP } from "@zaiusinc/node-sdk";

async function pageview(email: string, page: string) {
  const event: ODP.Event = {
    type: "pageview",
    identifiers: { email },
    data: { page },
  const result = await odp.event(event);
  return result.success;

For compatibility with previous versions of the SDK, types are also exported as Zaius from the SDK.

Available APIs

import {odp} from '@zaiusinc/node-sdk';

 * Configure the OCP Node SDK for use

 * Access public values of the current configuration

 * Send an event to ODP using the v3 event API

 * Create or update a customer profile in ODP using the v3 profiles API
odp.customer(customerPayload, options);
odp.customer(customerPayload[], options);

 * Create or update an object in ODP using the v3 objects API
odp.object(type, objectPayload, options);

 * Manage schema (ODP domain objects and fields) using the v3 APIs
odp.schema.createField(object, field);
odp.schema.createRelation(object, relationDefinition);

 * Manage customer identifiers using the v3 APIs
odp.identifier.getMetadata(identifierFieldName, identifierValue);
odp.identifier.getReachability(identifierFieldName, identifierValue);
odp.identifier.getConsent(identifierFieldName, identifierValue);

 * Manage list subscriptions using the v3 APIs
odp.list.subscribe(listId, identifiers);
odp.list.unsubscribe(listId, identifiers);
odp.list.updateSubscriptions(listId, arrayOfUpdates);

 * Query data using the GraphQL API
odp.graphql<ResponseType>(query, variables);

Use APIs that the OCP Node SDK does not support

If you need to use an API that is not supported by the ODP Node SDK yet, you can
follow the ODP REST API documentation
and use the v3Api helper to query the APIs directly. For example:

await odp.v3Api.post("objects/products", [
    product_id: "123",
    name: "Red Shirt",
    product_id: "456",
    name: "Blue Shirt",








Renames and re-exports ODP

Defined in: src/Api/index.ts:44