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Campaign and channel events

Describes delivery, engagement, disengagement, and reachability events your channel app can send to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) as well as events that you can use for attribution modeling.

Channel apps send delivery, engagement, disengagement, and reachability events to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) to track the performance of campaigns. These events allow ODP to build performance reports and attribute conversions to campaigns. Through reports, ODP users can see how their campaigns are performing and make adjustments to improve performance. ODP users can also use channel events in any other ODP feature, such as audiences, segments, and more.

Each channel supports different events, and you do not have to send all the events listed below. For example, if your channel does not report if a message was delivered, do not send the delivery event. Similarly, if your channel does not allow clicks, do not send click events.



Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP) automatically generates sent events, so you do not have to send them in your channel app.

Send channel events to ODP

OCP sends channel events using the Node SDK event method, for example:

import {z} from '@zaiusinc/node-sdk';
var deliveryReport;
/* ... */
await z.event({
  identifiers: {
    phone: deliveryReport.to
  type: 'sms',
  action: 'delivery',
  data: {
    target_address: deliveryReport.to,
    ts: deliveryReport.message.time

You can send events a variety of ways depending on your channel:

  • From the channel implementation class. For example, send a delivery event from the deliver method
    after receiving a delivery report from your channel.
  • From a function webhook. For example, send a click event from a webhook that receives a click report from your channel.
  • For a job. For example, retrieve delivery or click reports from your channel API and send events to ODP.


Below is a list of events that you can send to ODP. For more information on the action and type attributes of ODP events, see ODP's developer documentation on events.

Delivery events

Delivery events record events along the delivery pipeline. Minimally, these consist of sent events. The event type (type) for these events is the channel.type that you specify in the app.yml file. The available delivery event actions are:

  • sent – Records when a send occurrs; Optimizely generates this event.
  • delivery – Records when a message delivery occurs successfully.
  • delivery_unknown – Records when it is unknown whether a message delivery occurs successfully or unsuccessfully; typically only when delivery events are also possible.

Engagement events

Engagement events record when a message recipient has a positive interaction with the message. The event type (type) for these events is the channel.type that you specify in the app.yml file. The available engagement event actions are:

  • open – Records when a recipient opens a message.
  • click – Records when a recipient clicks a message.
  • engage – Records when a recipient generically engages with a message; use this when the engagement action does not cleanly fit into another action option.

Disengagement events

Disengagement events record when a message recipient has a negative interaction with the message.

Event type (type)Event action (action)Reachability update type (reachability_update_type)List ID (list_id)

Reachability events

Reachability events record when a message could not be delivered.

Event type (type)Event action (action)Reachability update type (reachability_update_type)Description
reachabilityunreachablehard_bounceRecords that a message could not be delivered for a permanent reason (for example, email address does not exist).
[channel.type]soft_bounceRecords that a message could not be delivered for an temporary reason (for example, mailbox is full).



You can only retrieve reachability events for messaging identifiers. For more information about identifiers in ODP, see the ODP developer documentation.


Attributable actions are used in Optimizely's attribution model to determine which campaigns get credit for a conversion. These often, but not always, mirror engagement event actions. For more information on the ODP attribution model, see Campaign attribution.

Below is the list of event actions that you can use in ODP for attribution modeling:

  • open – Indicates that you can attribute conversions to open events.
  • click – Indicates that you can attribute conversions to click events.
  • engage – Indicates that you can attribute conversions to engage events.
  • delivery – Indicates that you can attribute conversions to delivery events.