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Configure your development environment

This articles provides the steps to configure your development environment for Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP).

Develop, manage, and publish an Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP) app using the OCP command-line interface (CLI). You can configure the OCP CLI on either a Mac/Linux machine or a Windows machine. Skip directly to the section that pertains to your environment.


  • An OCP developer account.
  • The API key from your invitation email.
  • Node.js 18 JavaScript runtime environment. Find your platform-specific installer here, or use your preferred Node version manager for the install.
  • Yarn; find global install instructions for Yarn here. If you are on Windows, we suggest installing Yarn through Corepack, as described here.



    OCP requires Yarn 1 (classic). Make sure you have the supported version installed (yarn -v).

  • The OCP CLI requires Git to build an app. Find global install instructions for Git here.



    If you are not planning to build an app, you can skip the Git install.

Configure the OCP CLI for Mac/Linux

  1. Run the following command to make a .ocp directory:

    mkdir ~/.ocp (home dir)
  2. Using the API key you received during onboarding, create the credentials file in the .ocp directory:

    echo '{"apiKey": "<value-from-invitation>"}' > ~/.ocp/credentials.json
  3. Run the following Yarn command to install the OCP CLI:

    yarn global add @optimizely/ocp-cli
  4. Set your PATH variable:

    export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"

Configure the OCP CLI for Windows



The following instructions are for PowerShell.

  1. Run the following command to make a .ocp directory:

    New-Item -Path "~/.ocp" -Name "home dir" -ItemType "directory"
  2. Using the API key you received during onboarding, create the credentials file in the .ocp directory:

    Write-Output '{"apiKey": "<value-from-invitation>"}' | out-file "~/.ocp/credentials.json" -encoding utf8
  3. Run the following Yarn command to install the OCP CLI:

    yarn global add @optimizely/ocp-cli
  4. Ensure the value returned from yarn global bin is on your path:

    yarn global bin



    The output should look similar to the following:


    If it does not, follow these instructions to set your Path variable.

Test your OCP CLI configuration

Verify your OCP CLI configuration by running the following command:

ocp accounts whoami

The results should look similar to the following:

$ ocp accounts whoami
id: e1006b36-183e-4951-912c-416012f5a882
email: [email protected]
role: developer
githubUsername: jonhsmith
  - 7b5d1518a0be
personal_apps: []
vendor: mycompany
vendor_apps: []

OCP CLI help command

Commands are grouped into namespaces:

$ ocp -h
Usage: ocp <command>

Namespaces: (`<namespace>` -h, --help for additional help)

Run the help command, -h or --help, to list commands in a namespace, for example:

$ ocp app -h
Usage: ocp app <command>

  init       Create a new app project                                            
  logs       Fetch app logs
  package    Prepare a package for manual upload                                 
  prepare    Validate, package, upload and build an app to prepare for publishing
  register   Register an app version                                             
  validate   Validate an app locally                                             

ocp <command> -h, --help for help on specific commands

Adding the help context on a command displays documentation for the command with all available options, for example:

$ ocp app prepare -h
Usage: ocp app prepare [<path>] [--noProgress | --no-progress] [--upgradeDeps | --upgrade-deps] [--publish] [--usePreviousAppEnvValues | --use-previous-app-env-values]
                [--bumpDevVersion | --bump-dev-version]

  path   The root directory of the app

  --noProgress, --no-progress                                Don't display any progress indicators                                                                             
  --upgradeDeps, --upgrade-deps                              Automatically update dependencies                                                                                 
  --publish                                                  Automatically publish if the upload is successful                                                                 
  --usePreviousAppEnvValues, --use-previous-app-env-values   Use app env values (.env file) from the previous version of the app. Any values in local .env file will be ignored
  --bumpDevVersion, --bump-dev-version                       Bump dev version before building. Allows quickly testing dev versions

OCP CLI commands

The table below lists all available OCP CLI commands with their parameters and descriptions.

ocp -hThe help context for the OCP CLI is -h. It provides information about your environment when you run ocp -h and provides contextual help when you add -h after any command.
ocp accounts whoamiReturns your account information.
ocp accounts whois<user>Returns basic account information for a specific user. Requires a user input, for example, ocp accounts whois "user".
ocp app init<appId>Creates a new app project and initializes the app. Requires the app ID, for example, ocp app init <appId>.
ocp app logs<appId> or <buildId>Returns app logs. Requires the app ID or build ID, for example, ocp app logs <buildId>. See additional flags/options.
ocp app getLogLevel or ocp app get-log-level<appId@appVersion>Returns the log level for the app version that you specify. Requires the app ID and version in the following format: <appId@appVersion>. See additional flags/options.
ocp app setLogLevel or ocp app set-log-level<appId@appVersion> <logLevel>Sets the log level for the app version that you specify. Options are debug, info, warn, error, never. Requires the app ID and version in the following format: <appId@appVersion>. See additional flags/options.
ocp app package<path>Prepares a package for manual upload. Requires the path for the root directory of the app, for example, ocp app package <path>.
ocp app prepare<path>Validates, packages, uploads, and builds an app to prepare for publishing. Requires the path for the root directory of the app, for example, ocp app prepare <path>. See additional flags/options.
ocp app register<id> <name>Registers an app version. Requires the app ID and name, for example, ocp app register <id> <name>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region to which the app is registered (default is US).
ocp app validate<path>Validates an app locally. Requires the path for the root directory of the app, for example, ocp app validate <path>. See additional flags/options.
ocp availability listLists all availability regions (US, EU, AU).
ocp directory unpublish<appId@appVersion>Unpublishes an app version (uninstalls everywhere and undeploys). Requires the app ID and version in the following format: <appId@appVersion>. For example, ocp directory unpublish <appId@appVersion>. See additional flags/options.
ocp directory publish<appId@appVersion>Publishes (makes available) a specific app version that has been reviewed and approved. Requires the app ID and version in the following format: <appId@appVersion>. For example, ocp directory publish <appId@appVersion>. You can append --noProgress or --no-progress. COMPLETE THIS LATER
ocp directory info<appId>Gets information about an app. Requires the app ID, for example, ocp directory info <appId>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory install<appId@appVersion> <trackerId>Installs a specific app version into an account. Requires the app ID and version (in the following format: <appId@appVersion>), and the tracker ID of the account to which you want to install the app. For example, ocp directory install <appId@appVersion> <trackerId>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory list<appId>Lists registered app versions. Lists all apps by default if you do not define the app ID, for example, ocp directory list <appId>. See additional flags/options.
ocp directory listFunctions or ocp directory list-functions<appId> <trackerId>Lists the functions exposed by an app installation. Requires the app ID and tracker ID, for example, ocp directory listFunctions <appId> <trackerId>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory listGlobalFunctions or ocp directory list-global-functions<appId>Lists the global functions exposed by an app. Requires the app ID, for example, ocp directory listGlobalFunctions <appId>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory listInstalls or ocp directory list-installs<appId@appVersion>Lists installations of a specific app version. Requires the app ID and version (in the following format: <appId@appVersion>). For example, ocp directory listInstalls <appId@appVersion>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory status<appId@appVersion>Gets the status of a particular app ID and version. Requires the app ID and version (in the following format: <appId@appVersion>). For example, ocp directory status <appId@appVersion>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory uninstall<appId> <trackerId>Uninstalls an app from an account. Requires the app ID and tracker ID, for example, ocp directory uninstall <appId> <trackerId>. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region of the app (default is US).
ocp directory upgrade<appId <trackerId>Upgrades the install to a specific app version. Requires the app ID and tracker ID, for example, ocp directory upgrade <appId> <trackerId>. See additional flags/options.
ocp env getGets the current environment of the OCP CLI.
ocp env set<env>Sets the current environment for the OCP CLI. Requires the environment name.
ocp jobs list<appId>Lists jobs. Requires the app ID for which you want to view jobs, for example, ocp jobs list <appId>. See additional flags/options.
ocp jobs terminate<jobId>Terminates a job. Requires the ID of the job to terminate. You can append --availability or --a to define the availability region (default is US).
ocp jobs trigger<appId@appVersion> <jobName> <trackerId>Triggers a job. Requires the app ID and version (in the following format: <appId@appVersion>), job name, and tracker ID of the account for which you want to trigger the job. For example, ocp jobs trigger <appVersion> <jobName> <trackerId>. See additional flags/options.
ocp review list<appId>Lists app versions currently under review. You can optionally define the app ID of the app for which you want to view versions under review (for example, ocp review list <appId>. Lists all apps by default.
ocp review open<appId@appVersion>Opens a review in your browser. Requires the app ID and version (in the following format: <appId@appVersion>). For example, ocp review open <appId@appVersion>.

Additional flags/options for OCP CLI commands

You can append various flags/options for some of the OCP CLI commands, listed below.

ocp app logs

  • --tail – Tails the logs.
  • --appId
  • --buildId
  • --appVersion
  • --trackerId
  • --jobId
  • --installId
  • --from – A start time as an ISO string, an epoch timestamp, or relative string (for example, 5m for 5 minutes). Default is 24h.
  • --to – An end time as an ISO string, an epoch timestamp, or relative string (for example, 5m for 5 minutes).
  • --search – String to search for in log messages. Can be specified multiple times.
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp app getLogLevel or ocp app get-log-level

  • --trackerId – Specific Tracker ID to filter by.
  • --availability – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp app setLogLevel or ocp app set-log-level

  • --trackerId – Specific Tracker ID to filter by.
  • --timeToLive – Expiration period for the log level as a relative string (for example, 5m for 5 minutes). Default is 2 hours (2h).
  • --availability – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp app prepare

  • --noProgress or --no-progress – Do not display any progress indicators.
  • --upgradeDeps or --upgrade-deps – Automatically update dependencies.
  • --publish – Automatically publish if the upload is successful.
  • --usePreviousAppEnvValues or --use-previous-app-env-values – Use app env values (.env file) from the previous version of the app. Any values in the local .env file will be ignored.
  • --bumpDevVersion or --bump-dev-version – Bump dev version before building. Allows you to quickly test dev versions.

ocp app validate

  • --noProgress or --no-progress – Do not display any progress indicators.
  • --upgradeDeps or --upgrade-deps – Automatically update dependencies.

ocp directory unpublish

  • --force or -f
  • --noProgress or --no-progress
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp directory publish

  • --noProgress or --no-progress

ocp directory list

  • --allStatuses – Includes all statuses. The stopped status is not included by default.
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp directory upgrade

  • --toVersion or -v – The desired version (for example, 1.0.0).
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp jobs list

  • --version – Specific versions to filter by.
  • --trackerId – Specific Tracker IDs to filter by.
  • --function – Specific job function to filter by.
  • --status – Specific job status to filter by. Possible values: PENDING, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, COMPLETE, ERROR, TERMINATED.
  • --minDuration – Show jobs that have been running longer than the given duration (for example, 5m = 5 minutes).
  • --sortBy – Column to sort the jobs by. Possible values: id, function, trackerId, status, error, createdAt, triggeredAt, scheduledAt, terminatedAt, updatedAt, duration. The default column to sort by is updatedAt.
  • --sortDirection – Sort resulting jobs in ascending or descending order. Possible values: asc or desc. The default sort direction is asc.
  • --limit – Number of jobs to list. The default is 50.
  • --columns – Columns to display. Possible values: id, version, function, trackerId, trigger, status, error, createdAt, triggeredAt, scheduledAt, terminatedAt, updatedAt, duration. The default columns are id, version, function, trackerId, status, updatedAt.
  • --from – A start time as an ISO string, an epoch timestamp, or relative string (for example, 5m = 5 minutes). The default time value is 24h.
  • --to – An end time as an ISO string, an epoch timestamp, or relative string (for example, 5m = 5 minutes).
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).

ocp jobs trigger

  • --parameters – Parameters to pass to the job.
  • --availability or -a – The availability region that will be targeted (default is US).