This topic describes the OptimizelyVariation, which is used with a parent OptimizelyExperiment to render different content for different variations.
SDK v1.0.0
The OptimizelyExperiment component buckets a user into one of the variations defined on the experiment and passes the variation_key
of the variation assigned to the children component. The OptimizelyVariation component labeled with the variation
prop equal to the variation_key
will be rendered inside the OptimizelyExperiment component.
The table below lists the required and optional props for the OptimizelyExperiment Component in React.
Parameter | Type | Description |
variation | string | The key of the variation for which content should be rendered. Variation keys are in the experiment details page. |
default optional | boolean | When true, content will be rendered in the default case (null variation returned from the OptimizelyExperiment) |
children | React.ReactNode | Function | Content or function returning content to be rendered based on the enabled status and variable values of the feature. See usage examples below. |
If your experiment key was exp1
and that experiment had a variation simple
and detailed
, you could use the ExperimentComponent to render a SimpleComponent
or a DetailedComponent
depending on whether the user was assigned the 'simple'
variation or 'detailed
' variation. If for some reason Optimizely did not initialize in the 3000 ms timeout, then the default variation would be rendered instead:
import {
} from '@optimizely/react-sdk'
function ExperimentComponent() {
return (
<OptimizelyExperiment experiment="exp1" timeout={3000}>
<OptimizelyVariation variation="simple">
<SimpleComponent />
<OptimizelyVariation variation="detailed">
<ComplexComponent />
<OptimizelyVariation default>
<SimpleComponent />
Source files
The language/platform source files containing the implementation for React is index.ts.
Updated over 2 years ago