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Set up Localytics

This topic describes how you can integrate Localytics with Optimizely.



This is a third-party integration and is not an Optimizely subprocessor. See Optimizely's Third-Party Add-Ons & Platform Integration Terms.

Localytics offers more than one option for capturing Optimizely test information. The code examples demonstrate the Custom Events with Attributes option in this suggested integration. For more information and alternative solutions, see the sections below.



This integration leverages API behavior that has changed for 3.0. If you encounter any issues, please contact support.


The example code has two parts:

  • Add a TrackNotificationListener listener for onEvent to wrap Localytics.tagEvent()
  • Add OptimizelyClient.track() to track conversions

Instead of calling Localytics.tagEvent() directly, wrap the calls with OptimizelyClient.track() to include bucketing information as event attributes.

The example code demonstrates how to add a track event listener. Each OptimizelyClient.track() event tracking retrieves a mapping of experiment key to variation key from UserProfile, which records bucketing decisions. Next, the code calls Localytics.tagEvent() and includes the bucketing map among the attributes.

The last step is to add OptimizelyClient.track() to track event conversions.

Consistent user identity

Maintaining a consistent user identity across multiple sessions and devices can help ensure proper reporting. Localytics provides some guidelines for their platform.

Optimizely recommends using the same user ID with these methods:

  • optimizelyClient.activate()
  • Localytics.setCustomerId()

Alternative solution

Another solution is to set Localytics' Custom Dimensions using an ActivateNotificationListener. Custom dimensions can be used to segment users without needing to wrap Localytics.tagEvent(), but they require configuration in the Localytics dashboard for each Optimizely test.

import com.localytics.android.Localytics;
import com.optimizely.ab.bucketing.UserProfile;
import com.optimizely.ab.notification.NotificationListener;
import com.optimizely.ab.notification.TrackNotificationListener;
import java.util.Map;

optimizelyManager.getOptimizely().getNotificationCenter().addNotificationListener(NotificationCenter.NotificationType.Track, new TrackNotificationListener() {
 public void onTrack(@Nonnull String eventKey, @Nonnull String userId, @Nonnull Map<String, String> attributes, @Nonnull Map<String, ?> eventTags, @Nonnull LogEvent event) {
    // Make a copy of attributes because it could be immutable
    Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>(attributes);

    // Retrieve mapping of tests to variations
    UserProfile userProfile = optimizelyManager.getUserProfile();
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> allRecords =

    // Set event attributes
    if (allRecords.containsKey(userId)) {
        Map<String, String> userRecords = allRecords.get(userId);
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userRecords.entrySet()) {
            // Mapping of experiment key to variation key
            attr.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    // Tag custom event with attributes
    Localytics.tagEvent("[Optimizely] " + eventKey, attr);

// Track a conversion event for the provided user
optimizelyClient.track(eventKey, userId);

Compare results

When comparing Optimizely and Localytics results, remember to apply a date filter in Localytics that corresponds with the dates your Optimizely test was running.

Unsupported Platforms

Optimizely does not have a suggested solution for integrating Localytics with our SDKs for these platforms:

  • Agent
  • Go
  • C#
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Node
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby