Advanced experiment configuration
Shows code samples you can use in Shared code or Variation code to help satisfy advanced use cases in Optimizely Web Experimentation.
These code samples can be used within Shared code or Variation code to help satisfy advanced use cases within Optimizely.
Execute code for X visits
This JavaScript lets you execute code a certain number of times within an experiment.
For example, you might want to show a popup to visitors only on their first three visits. In this case, you can place this code in either the Experiment JS or the Variation code.
* Usage
* The following allows you to set a limit on the number of times a Code Block will execute for any given visitor.
// the number of times the code should execute for a given visitor
var limit = 3;
// the number of days the evaluation limit should last
var days = 180;
// name of the cookie we use as the counter
var cookieName = 'counterCookie';
// function to fetch cookie values
var getCookie = function(name) {
var match = document.cookie.match(name+'=([^;]*)');
return match ? match[1] : undefined;
// function to create cookies
var setCookie = function(c_name,value,exdays,c_domain) {
c_domain = (typeof c_domain === "undefined") ? "" : "domain=" + c_domain + ";";
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value + ";" + c_domain + "path=/";
// logic that counts and limits number of times code can evaluate for given visitor
if (!getCookie(cookieName)) {
setCookie(cookieName, 1, days, window.location.hostname);
} else {
var numberPops = parseInt(getCookie(cookieName)) + 1;
setCookie(cookieName, numberPops, days, window.location.hostname);
if (getCookie(cookieName) <= limit) {
// INSERT code to evaluate HERE
Change page title
This JavaScript will modify the text of the browser tab when a visitor focuses and un-focuses on the tab. You can display one title when a visitor is focused on the tab and a different title when they toggle to a different tab or window.
* Usage
* The following code will modify the title of the browser tab on the "blur" event and change it back to the original on the "focus" event.
// store the original tab title
var origTitle = document.title;
// function to change title when focusing on tab
function oldTitle() {
document.title = origTitle;
// function to change title when un-focusing on tab
function newTitle() {
document.title = 'HELLO WORLD';
// bind functions to blur and focus events
window.onblur = newTitle;
window.onfocus = oldTitle;
Get Optimizely data for custom events
This provides the Optimizely Data Object to return the information necessary to retrieve relevant data. You can use this data with internal tools, the Event API, or custom analytics integrations.
* Usage
* Loops through the Optimizely Data Object to return the information necessary to construct the Event API payload.
var campaign_data;
var state = optimizely.get('state');
// return all active campaigns
campaign_data = state.getCampaignStates({"isActive": true});
for (var campaign_id in campaign_data) {
if (campaign_data.hasOwnProperty(campaign_id)) {
// Returns campaign_id, experiment_id, variation_id
var data = state.getDecisionObject({"campaignId": campaign_id});
// code to use data
Updated over 1 year ago