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Scaffold the app and define the schema

Initialize a sample app and define its schema. After you complete the preqrequisites, this is the first step to create the sample app in the Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP) quickstart guide.

After you complete the prerequisites:

  1. Register the app by specifying a unique name and ID. You should also mark it as a personal app so that it does not count towards the vendor's app limit.
> ocp app register --personal ocp_quickstart 'OCP Quickstart'
Active environment: production
Registered app ocp_quickstart with name "OCP Quickstart" in us
  1. Scaffold the app. The Basic Sample template contains example code to get you started, but for now, use the Empty Project template. This initializes the app directory.
> ocp app init
Active environment: production
Name of your app (e.g., My App): OCP Quickstart
ID of your app [ocp_quickstart]: ocp_quickstart
Version [1.0.0-dev.1]: 1.0.0-dev.1
App Summary (brief): Syncs offline store orders and customer data to ODP.
Support URL: https://www.acme.com/
Contact email address: me@acme.com
Select the category for the app: Testing & Utilities
Select a template project: Empty Project
Creating directory C:\Users\me\ocp-apps\ocp_quickstart
Performing initial Yarn install
  1. Open it in your preferred editor and run git init to prepare the environment.

Define the schema

Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) comes with pre-defined objects (database tables) you can work with, such as Customers and Products. However, the data model for this app does not quite fit ODP's pre-defined model, so you need to add custom objects and fields. To do this, define a schema in src/schema/. All .yml files within refer to objects in ODP.

  1. Define a new identifier, ocp_quickstart_clubcard_id, in the ODP Customers object (including its creation date). You must prepend the app's ID to custom field names. The src/schema/customers.yml file should look like the following:
name: customers
  - name: ocp_quickstart_clubcard_id
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Clubcard ID
    merge_confidence: high
  - name: ocp_quickstart_clubcard_creation_date
    type: timestamp
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Clubcard Creation Date
    description: Creation date of this Customer's Clubcard
  1. Also create an Offline Stores custom object, with ID marked as a primary key. Because it is a custom object, prepend the app ID to its name. The src/schema/ocp_quickstart_offline_stores.yml file should look like the following:
name: ocp_quickstart_offline_stores
display_name: OCP Quickstart Offline Stores
  - name: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_id
    type: string
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Offline Store ID
    description: ID of the Offline Store
    primary: true
  - name: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_name
    type: string
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Offline Store Name
    description: The name of the Offline Store
  - name: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_location
    type: string
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Offline Store Location
    description: Where the Offline Store is located
  1. Finally, add an association between the Orders and Offline Stores objects. The src/schema/orders.yml file should look like the following:
name: orders
  - name: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_id
    type: string
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Order Offline Store ID
    description: The Quickstart Offline Store this Order originated from
  - name: ocp_quickstart_offline_store
    display_name: OCP Quickstart Offline Store
    child_object: ocp_quickstart_offline_stores
      - parent: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_id
        child: ocp_quickstart_offline_store_id
  1. Confirm your schema is valid by running ocp app validate in the OCP command-line interface (CLI).

Next, install and test your app in the ODP sandbox.