Optimizely Foundation demo sites
Describes the Optimizely Foundation demo sites.
The Optimizely Foundation reference architecture offers an intuitive starting point that is structured and modular, allowing developers to select Optimizely products as projects to include or exclude from their solution. Foundation includes projects for Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), Optimizely Customized Commerce, Optimizely Recommendations, Optimizely Search & Navigation, and the Community API.
See the open source project on Episerver GitHub, how to install and use Foundation for your development project.
Optimizely has the Alloy and Quicksilver template kits for the basic Optimizely CMS and Customized Commerce features and how they can be integrated into your solution. For more advanced features that integrate more Optimizely products than just CMS or Customized Commerce, there is the Optimizely Foundation project. This offers an intuitive, well-structured, and modular starting point, allowing you to select Optimizely products as projects to include or exclude from your solution. You can use it for demonstration purposes, checking out Optimizely features, building an Optimizely Marketplace app, or even as a starting point for production-ready websites.
Optimizely Foundation includes CMS, Customized Commerce, Recommendations, Search & Navigation, Community API, and several add-ons. Its features are:
- Penetration tested
- Load tested
- Certified to run on DXP Service
- Developed and code reviewed by internal Optimizely solution architects and developers and by Optimizely OMVPs.
Included in the Optimizely Foundation project is the Mosey demo site, which provides insight into best practices when building your Optimizely solution according to modern standards. Mosey is a fictitious fashion retail website.
Optimizely Foundation is a free, open-source project on the Optimizely GitHub account.
Install and configure Optimizely Foundation
You install the Optimizely Foundation project with an empty Customized Commerce website and the Foundation NuGet packages. You will find a batch script in the GitHub repository that will automatically do these things for you. Prerequisites and complete installation instructions are found in the ReadMe file in GitHub.
Feedback and contributions
Because the project is open-sourced, Optimizely appreciates the community's feedback and contributions on GitHub. Fork the solution and create a pull request. Optimizely's Foundation team will review your suggestions and merge them when approved.
Test drive Optimizely DXP for Customized Commerce
Use Microsoft AppSource to test drive the Digital Experience Platform for Optimizely Customized Commerce. This test drive provides a guided tour through CMS and Customized Commerce.
Updated 7 months ago