Content authoring
Describes how to work with content in solutions based on Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP).
Optimizely offers many possibilities to control the editing process. Content is versioned, and you can preview and verify it before publishing, meaning specific content staging solutions are often unnecessary. Depending on where the site is in the deployment cycle, content is added in different environments, as described below.
Projects and the publishing flow
The draft concept is central in Optimizely and ensures that work in progress is never externally exposed until actively published. Using Projects, editors can group different content sets and collaborate on drafts, preview the result, and then publish all content items instantly or schedule for later publishing.
You can use business process workflows in the editing and publishing process, such as using access rights to restrict who can publish. See Control the publishing process in the Optimizely User Guide.
Deployment cycles and content authoring
Whether a website is being set up or if the website is already in full production, editors add content in different environments. See the Environments and Deploy sections for an explanation of environments and deployment scenarios.
Create a site with DXP
A site is created in your local development environment. You will eventually deploy the site and any content to the Integration environment to verify functionality and integrations. Editors can create initial content in the local development environment or the Integration environment. Approaching launch time, the site and its content are first deployed to Preproduction for final verification and then to Production.
Move an existing site to DXP
Existing sites (with or without content) that you want to move to a cloud environment for the first time need to be deployed to the Integration environment as described in Deploy an existing Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) site and Create a Commerce (PaaS) site and deploy. Editors can add more content in the Integration environment and then in the Production environment when the site is deployed.
Existing live site in DXP
For existing live sites using DXP, the main content authoring is done in the Production environment, using the publishing features available in Optimizely. Content should only be created in the Integration environment when creating sites and never in the Preproduction environment because it is overwritten in upgrades.
Related blog post: DXP Automatic Image Optimization by Scott Reed
Updated 8 months ago