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Search options and tips

Optimizely Search & Navigation lets you build advanced search features based on visitor behavior, customized filtering, and faceted content navigation. It is included in the DXP services; it requires a specific installation and license for on-premises installations.

Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP) has sophisticated search functionality that lets you search through different types of website content. You can search for content pages, blocks, files, community objects, and products (if Optimizely Commerce Connect is installed).

Search results are based on access rights, so users only see content they have access to.

Search options

Search options depend on how your Optimizely Search & Navigation installation is set up and from where you are searching. The search algorithm determines the ordering of search results. Often, filtering is applied to the results, which can be based on many factors, such as content categorization.

  • When editing, the global search is available in the upper right part of the top menu. Depending on the configured search providers, this option can search all types of content on the website: pages, blocks, files, and catalog content (if you have Optimizely Commerce Connect installed).

  • When editing, a search option is available at the top of the navigation and assets panels and in the link dialog box. This option searches for content in the panes and related dialog boxes.

  • See Find content to search in the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) edit view.

  • Site visitors can usually search content through a search field and a search page on the front-end site, as in the Optimizely Search & Navigation sample templates.

You can drag and drop items directly from the search result list to a page or a block.

Search tips

  • Enter a few keywords separated by space. You can refine your search query by adding keywords. For example: Optimizely product project.
  • If you know a page ID, enter the ID in the search field.
  • When searching for specific phrases, combine keywords using quotation marks. Example: “optimizely search tips”.
  • The search function is case-insensitive. Example: New York and new york return the same result.
  • You can use the Boolean operators AND and OR.
    • AND means I only want documents that contain both/all words. Example: optimizely AND search returns documents with both words.
    • OR means I want documents that contain either word. Example: optimizely OR search returns documents with either optimizely or search.

Optimizely Search & Navigation has configuration options managed from the administrative interface in CMS.