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Add related queries

Use related queries to create suggestions associated with a search phrase, guiding visitors to certain search patterns.

Optimizely Search & Navigation automatically generates suggestions from site visitors searching for the same phrase. You can manually add related queries that are not automatically generated because users are not entering those search terms. You create desirable search patterns as the website evolves by manually adding related queries. For example, on a travel website, to search for Spain, add related queries for Barcelona and Madrid. Or, on an ecommerce site, to search for accessories and add handbags and shoes.

Create related queries

You can apply a related query to a specific website and language.

  1. From edit view, select Search & Navigation > Manage. The Statistics screen displays.

  2. If the search terms you want to use for related queries display in the Search Phrase list, select them, then Create related queries. You can modify the search terms on the Optimization screen.

    Otherwise, select the Optimization screen > Related Queries and use the Phrases field to enter one or more related queries.

    A phrase can have up to three words and must consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes, ampersands, or apostrophes. 

  3. In the Suggestions field, enter related terms by which users might want to search. You can apply several phrases to the same query. For example, the search term training has course and school as related queries. A suggestion should not match a phrase.

  4. Click Add related query.

  5. To change the position of a suggestion, click the context menu, then select Move Up or Move Down. The screen position affects the presentation order of the related queries.