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This topic describes customers and how to identify them in Optimizely Data Platform (ODP).

Customers are at the core of Optimizely Data Platform (ODP). ODP uses customer data to create user profiles, segmentation and reports. Aggregating customer data provides a more holistic view of your customers and lets you create distinct segments that target different sets of your customers.

Additionally, ODP lets you synchronize customer data with other products to enhance your marketing activities.

Customer data

Customer data are composed of fields that are typically grouped into attributes or identifiers. You can use the default fields ODP provides or create custom fields to store your external customer data. To send past customer data to ODP, see Import historical data.


The following table shows the default attributes for customers (sorted alphabetically by field name):

Display nameField nameTypeDescription
CCPA Opted-outccpa_opted_outBooleanCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Opt-out status.
CountrycountryTextCountry in ISO-3166-1 format
Customer Sourcedata_sourceTextThe source of the update for this record.
For example, the ID of the app or the filename of the CSV.
Customer Source: Detailsdata_source_detailsTextAdditional details about the source.
Customer Source: Instancedata_source_instanceTextThe unique namespace for the provided source.
For example, a store name in Shopify or a company name in Zendesk. This allows multiple versions of the same app to be installed.
Customer Source: Typedata_source_typeTextThe categorization of the source that updated this record. Examples include, csv, app, campaign, zaius, sdk, api.
Customer Source: Versiondata_source_versionTextIf the source of the update has an associated version, the version is included in this field.
Birthday (Day)dob_dayNumberThe numeric day of the month the customer was born.
For example, 1-31.
Birthday (Month)dob_monthNumberThe numeric month the customer was born.
For example, 1-12.
Birthday (Year)dob_yearNumberThe numeric year the customer was born.
For example, 1980.
First Namefirst_nameText
GendergenderTextStored as M, F
Image URLimage_urlTextURL of user profile image.
Last Modified Atlast_modified_atTimestamp
Last Namelast_nameText
Time Zone (Last Seen)last_observed_timezoneText
Time ZonetimezoneTextTime zone in IANA format.
For example, America/New_York.
GDPR Opt-out Timpestampts_gdpr_opted_outTimestampGeneral Data Protection Regulation opt-out timestamp.
ZIP codezipText



You may see more default attributes than are listed in the table. Integrations within ODP can create their own attributes and display them in the ODP application.