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How to update customer information and identifiers with the Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) React Native SDK.



Only customers onboarded prior to July 15, 2022 have access to the ODP Campaigns and have the ability to send customer data through the ODP React Native SDK. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Knowing who your customers are and what they are doing on your app is critical to proper engagement. ODP's SDK lets you manage that identity.

Update customer information

For ODP to operate, use Zaius.customer() to make sure you have the most recent information about a customer.

        ... // identifiers
        ... // attributes
  • Identifiers are used to merge users and determine which event is associated with which customer, such as email address, vuids and push_token.
  • Attributes are bits of information about the customer, such as first name, last name, phone number or birthdate.

Update customer identifiers

ODP uses information to coalesce events into a single customer record. Use Zaius.identify() to improve this process by adding identifying information directly.


The content of the document is fairly free-form but automatically generates and includes the VUID for the user. This document can include other fields, such as an email address that is more fully documented in Customers.

This function call is effectively the same as Zaius.customer({...}, {}).

When to identify

When a customer signs in to your app, it appears to ODP to be a new customer. To make sure that the customer is properly associated with their existing data, you should use the Zaius.identify() function. This lets you associate a name or email address with the internal tracking info to get a more complete picture of who is using the app.

Internal VUIDs

One of the ways ODP maintains a customer's identity through various email, name, phone number or other changes is by using a unique identifier that is sent with requests. This is called the [VUID](doc:thebasics-customers#default-identifiers) and is not normally visible to end-users.

When to stop identifying

If the customer signs out of the app (for example, if they want to use a different account), make sure the new user stays separate from previous data. You can separate this information with Zaius.anonymize() when they sign out, which generates a new VUID for them and effectively remove the link between any new events they may generate and any customer information they had previously stored.