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ODP + Commerce Connect 13

Export multisite Commerce Connect 13 data to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP)



This integration exports data from Commerce Connect 13 and imports it into Optimizely Data Platform (ODP).

To integrate Commerce Connect 14 with ODP, use one of the following:

Optimizely Commerce Connect 13 contains an Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) export job to export data, including orders, customers, and products, to ODP.

Setting keys

  1. episerver:odp.ExportCatalog – Export products to ODP. The default is true.
  2. episerver:odp.ExportCustomers – Export customers to ODP. The default is true.
  3. episerver:odp.ExportOrders – Export orders to ODP. The default is true.
  4. episerver:odp.IncludeProducts – Include products and variations and packages. The default is true.
  5. episerver:odp.ProductBatchSize – Batch size when sending products to ODP. The default is 50.
  6. episerver:odp.OrderBatchSize – Batch size when sending orders to ODP. The default is 50.
  7. episerver:odp.CustomerBatchSize – Batch size when sending customers to ODP. The default is 50.

MarketKey settings

The MarketKey settings define the collection of MarketKey, which the ODP job uses to get Commerce Connect's data to ODP. MarketKey contains 3 properties:

  1. MarketId – ID of the market, such as US or SWE, to filter Orders or Products when collecting data.
  2. AccessKey – ODP’s credential.
  3. EndpointUrl – The URL that receives the data from Commerce Connect.

You can use one of two formats to set the MarketKey collection.

Format 1

<add key="episerver:odp.US.AccessKey" value=""/>
<add key="episerver:odp.US.EndpointUrl" value=""/>
<add key="episerver:odp.SWE.AccessKey" value=""/>
<add key="episerver:odp.SWE.EndpointUrl" value=""/>

Format 2: Added from Customized Commerce 13.37.0

  • Support catalog setting with one or multiple values – When a catalog is present:
    • The job checks if there are any LineItem in the order that belongs to a catalog, then filters the orders by catalog.
    • The job filters products by catalogs.
    • The job sends customers to every endpoint or access key because customers are unrelated to catalogs.
  • Configuration setting format – The job uses scope to create a group, which is any valid string used as a setting
  • Keys – Catalogs and MarketIds keys containing multiple catalog names or market IDs are separated by ;.

Examples of format setting

  1. Empty catalog – This format can replace the old setting format.
    <add key="episerver:odp.EndpointUrl.Alias0" value="Alias0_endpoint"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.AccessKey.Alias0" value="Alias0_accesskey"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.MarketIds.Alias0" value="US; SWE" />
    <add key="episerver:odp.EndpointUrl.Alias1" value="Alias1_endpoint"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.AccessKey.Alias1" value="Alias1_accesskey"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.MarketIds.Alias1" value="SWE" />
  2. One catalog
    <add key="episerver:odp.EndpointUrl.Alias0" value="Alias0_endpoint"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.AccessKey.Alias0" value="Alias0_accesskey"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.Catalogs.Alias0" value="Fashion"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.MarketIds.Alias0" value="US; SWE " />
    <add key="episerver:odp.EndpointUrl.Alias1" value="Alias1_endpoint"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.AccessKey.Alias1" value="Alias1_accesskey"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.Catalogs.Alias1" value=" Other catalog "/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.MarketIds.Alias1" value="SWE" />
  3. Multiple catalogs
    add key="episerver:odp.EndpointUrl.Alias1" value="Alias1_endpoint"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.AccessKey.Alias1" value="Alias1_accesskey"/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.Catalogs.Alias1" value=" Fashion; Other catalog "/>
    <add key="episerver:odp.MarketIds.Alias1" value="US" />