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API Reference

Introduces the Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) APIs to integrate your customer data with ODP.

ODP's APIs are available in either REST or GraphQL enabling developers to get started quickly and seamlessly integrate their data into ODP.


The ODP REST API uses standard HTTP features, including methods (POST, GET, PUT and DELETE) and standard REST response codes (for example, 404, 401 or 200). All responses are standard JSON formatted.

Depending on your ODP instance's location, your hostname will differ:

  • US – https://api.zaius.com
  • Europe – https://api.eu1.odp.optimizely.com
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC) – https://api.au1.odp.optimizely.com



Refer to the URL you see when visiting the ODP application at app.zaius.com to determine which API hostname you should use.

Use the REST API

Before using the REST API, you should be familiar with how ODP handles data. Refer to the developer documentation on ODP's data structure to familiarize yourself.

To get started with the REST API, review the documentation on how to authenticate, run batch requests or learn the API rate limits.

If you are already familiar with ODP and the way it ingests data, select an endpoint from the left navigation to review the comprehensive API reference.


GraphQL is a query language for data that is available via API.

Like the REST API, the GraphQL has different hostnames based on location:

  • US – https://api.zaius.com/v3/graphql
  • Europe – https://api.eu1.odp.optimizely.com/v3/graphql
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC) – https://api.au1.odp.optimizely.com/v3/graphql

Use the GraphQL API

Before using the GraphQL API, you should be familiar with how ODP handles data. Refer to the developer documentation on ODP's data structure to familiarize yourself.

Authentication is the same for the GraphQL API as for the REST API.

For information on how to get started with ODP's GraphQL API, refer to the ODP documentation on the core concepts of GraphQL or start exploring the schema and test queries using the ODP's GraphiQL explorer.

Which API to use

For information on which API you should use and the advantages of each, refer to the reference documentation on GraphQL and REST API use cases.