JUMP TORest APISAbout the Feature Experimentation APIsGenerate tokens and use the REST APIsREST API cookbookOptimizely Feature Experimentation APIEnvironmentsList EnvironmentsgetFlagsList FlagsgetUpdate FlagspatchCreate a New FlagpostArchive FlagspostUnarchive FlagspostDelete a FlagdeleteFetch a Single FlaggetReportsList ReportsgetArchive ReportspostUnarchive ReportspostDelete a ReportdeleteFetch a Single ReportgetReset the results for a ReportpostRulesetsFetch the Ruleset for a Flag in an EnvironmentgetUpdate the Ruleset for a Flag in an EnvironmentpatchDisable the Ruleset for a Flag in an EnvironmentpostEnable the Ruleset for a Flag in an EnvironmentpostRulesFetch the Rule for a Ruleset in an EnvironmentgetList RulesgetFetch a Rule for a specific experiment_idgetVariationsList VariationsgetUpdate VariationspatchCreate a New VariationpostArchive VariationspostBrainstorm variations definitions using AI.postUnarchive VariationspostDelete a VariationdeleteFetch a Single VariationgetGroupsList Exclusion GroupsgetUpdate Exclusion GroupspatchCreate an Exclusion GrouppostArchive Exclusion GroupspostUnarchive Exclusion GroupspostDelete an Exclusion GroupdeleteFetch a Single Exclusion GroupgetVariable DefinitionsFetch all variable definitions for flag.getUpdate Variable DefinitionspatchCreate Variable DefinitionpostBrainstorm variable definitions using AI.postDelete a Variable DefinitiondeleteFetch a single variable definition by its key.getChangesGet Change HistorygetOptimizely APIOverviewProjectsList ProjectsgetCreate a ProjectpostRead a ProjectgetUpdate a ProjectpatchCampaignsList CampaignsgetCreate a CampaignpostArchive a CampaigndeleteRead a CampaigngetUpdate a CampaignpatchGet Campaign resultsgetGet a sharable link for the campaign's results pagegetGet Campaign results as a CSVgetExperimentsList ExperimentsgetCreate an ExperimentpostArchive an ExperimentdeleteRead an ExperimentgetUpdate an ExperimentpatchGet Experiment resultsgetGet a sharable link for the experiment's results pagegetGet Experiment results time seriesgetGet Experiment results as a CSVgetAudiencesList AudiencesgetCreate an AudiencepostRead an AudiencegetUpdate an AudiencepatchPagesList PagesgetCreate a PagepostArchived a PagedeleteRead a pagegetUpdate a PagepatchEventsList all EventsgetGet Event by IDgetCreate an In-Page EventpostArchive an In-Page EventdeleteUpdate an In-Page EventpatchCreate a Custom EventpostArchive a Custom EventdeleteUpdate a Custom EventpatchAttributesList AttributesgetCreate an AttributepostArchive an AttributedeleteRead an AttributegetUpdate an AttributepatchGroupsList Exclusion GroupsgetCreate an Exclusion GrouppostArchive an Exclusion GroupdeleteGet an Exclusion GroupgetUpdate an Exclusion GrouppatchExtensionsList ExtensionsgetCreate an ExtensionpostArchive an ExtensiondeleteGet an ExtensiongetUpdate an ExtensionpatchPlanGet Plan & Usage information for all productsgetScheduled JobsGet a list of Scheduled JobsgetCreate a Scheduled JobpostArchive a Scheduled JobdeleteGet a Scheduled JobgetUpdate a Scheduled JobpatchUserGet current User informationgetList AttributesGet list attributes by projectgetCreate a List AttributepostArchive a List AttributedeleteRead a List AttributegetUpdate a List AttributepatchSectionsRead all the Sections in a Multivariate TestgetCreate a new Section in a Multivariate TestpostArchive a Section by IDdeleteRead a Section of a Multivariate TestgetUpdate a Section by IDpatchFeaturesGet Features by ProjectgetCreate a FeaturepostArchive a FeaturedeleteRead a FeaturegetUpdate a FeaturepatchSubject Access RequestsList Subject Access Requests by data source and statusgetUpdate a Subject Access RequestpatchUpdate a Subject Access RequestpostList Subject Access RequestsgetCreate a Subject Access RequestpostGet Subject Access RequestgetEnvironmentsGet Environments by ProjectgetCreate an EnvironmentpostArchive an EnvironmentdeleteRead an EnvironmentgetUpdate an EnvironmentpatchRead the datafile of an EnvironmentgetSearchSearchgetChange HistoryRetrieve changes for a project.getAttributionGet bucketing information for a visitorgetExport CredentialsGet aws credentials to access enriched events datasetgetMetricsGet all of the global metrics of an accountgetUpdate a Global MetricpatchRead global metrics by projectsgetCreate a Global MetricpostImpressions UsageGet Impressions UsagegetGet Impressions Usage SummarygetCollaboratorsList CollaboratorsgetInvite CollaboratorspostList Collaborators who have not yet accepted the invitationsgetExperimentSummarySummaries of Experiments and CampaignsgetReportsGet Experiment Result's ReportgetWebhooksGet Webhooks by ProjectgetCreate a WebhookpostDelete a WebhookdeleteRead a WebhookgetUpdate a WebhookpatchRecommendationsDownload a CSV with all current catalog datagetDownload a CSV with all computed recommendations output datagetDownload a CSV with summary stats datagetPermission ServiceEntityGet User Permissions For Project Entity TypegetGet Team Permissions For Project Entity TypegetGet Entity PermissionsgetChange PermissionspatchTeam ManagementGet TeamsgetCreate TeampostDelete TeamdeleteGet Team InfogetUpdate TeampatchOptimizely Flags Scheduling APIScheduled ChangesList Scheduled changes of a flaggetCreate a Schedule Change for a flag in an environmentpostScheduled ChangeDelete a Scheduled Change for a flag in an environmentdeleteUpdate the Scheduled Change for a flag in an environmentpatchOptimizely Agent API/v1/configReturn the Optimizely config for the given environmentget/v1/datafileReturn the datafile for the given environment. If you need strict consistency, you can pass the datafile to other Optimizely instances. so that all initialize from exactly the same datafile version (rather than each fetching the datafile separately from the Optimizely CDN).get/v1/decideDecide makes feature decisions for the selected query parameters.post/v1/lookupLookup returns saved user profile.post/v1/saveSave saves user profile.post/v1/trackTrack event for the given user.post/v1/send-odp-eventSend event to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP).post/v1/activateActivate selected features and experiments for the given user.post/v1/overrideOverride an experiment decision for a userpost/oauth/tokenGet JWT token to authenticate all requests.post/v1/batchBatch multiple API endpoints into one request.postMetrics Hub Service APIMetricSetsList Metric SetsgetAssociate metrics as an ordered, identifiable setputDelete Metric SetsdeleteAssociate metrics as an ordered, identifiable setpatchMetricsList MetricsgetCreate a MetricpostUpdate a MetricpatchRead a MetricgetDelete a MetricdeleteSave saves user profile.post https://example.com/v1/saveSaves user profile for a user.