Search for orders using OrderContext
Describes how to search for orders using OrderContext in Optimizely Commerce Connect.
This topic describes how to work with the order search API, including:
- The capabilities and limitations of Optimizely Commerce Connect order search
- API classes and properties
- Code examples of different scenarios
- Description of the search stored procedure
Searching for orders is a common part of ecommerce solutions, such as integrating with ERPs and custom administrative interfaces where orders are exported, filtered, or edited. You often need to load orders based on submission date, status, or particular properties or meta-field properties of the order or cart, including properties of its child objects (for example, shipments or line items).
Classes in this topic are available in the Mediachase.Commerce.Orders
Search pattern
The following pattern is the simplest way to execute order search in Commerce Connect using the API.
Begin the search code with:
OrderSearchOptions searchOptions = new OrderSearchOptions();
searchOptions.StartingRecord = 0; //or whatever you want to specify for paging purposes
searchOptions.RecordsToRetrieve = 10000; //or whatever you want to specify for paging purposes searchOptions.Namespace = "Mediachase.Commerce.Orders";
Then continue with:
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
//the following is for returns-only purchase orders... for shopping carts, specify ShoppingCart parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = sqlQuery.ToString();
//If you are searching for shopping carts (non serializable cart system), you can call the Search<Cart> method and return an array of Cart objects
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
The SQL query above is OrderGroupId IN (SELECT OrderGroupId FROM .)
Use order search
The order search returns arrays of OrderGroup
objects:Â ShoppingCart
, PaymentPlan
, and PurchaseOrder
The order search is only intended to return shipments, line items, payment objects or any other objects or data in the order. The Order Search API does not conduct an order search for those types of objects alone. The API lets you search for carts, orders, and payment plans based on properties, including metafields associated with any of the objects in an OrderGroup
and any outside database tables you may want to use for filtering or joins.
The search pattern implemented in the API has two parts:
- Get a list of
as search results using the stored procedureecf\_OrderSearch
. Insert those values into a database tableOrderSearchResults
with a GUID that separates it from other search results. This is the search phase, based on criteria passed to the search. - The
are loaded from OrderSearchResults
, and the corresponding array ofShoppingCart
, andPaymentPlan
is loaded and returned.
You can sort based on
table fields only.
Primary classes and properties
This class lets you specify the number of records to return, if results are to be cached, the type of OrderGroup
data to be returned, and the starting record number (for paging).
– This is inherited fromSearchOptions
but is not actually used by order search.RecordsToRetrieve
– Integer. Use these fields to page search results.
– This lets you specify the order metadata object on which you want to create a subquery. For example, to find all shipments where a shipment metafield value is a particular value, specify ShipmentEx for the classes property. This is a string collection. In most cases, you only need to specify one class.
You can specify the following classes with the corresponding database table that is queried:
- CashCardPayment (OrderFormPayment_CashCard)
- CreditCardPayment (OrderFormPayment_CreditCard)
- ExchangePayment (OrderFormPayment_Exchange)
- GiftCardPayment (OrderFormPayment_GiftCard)
- InvoicePayment (OrderFormPayment_Invoice)
- LineItemEx (LineItemEx)
- OrderFormEx (OrderFormEx)
- OrderGroupAddressEx (OrderGroupAddressEx)
- OtherPayment (OrderFormPayment_Other)
- PaymentPlan (OrderGroup_PaymentPlan)
- PurchaseOrder (OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder)
- ShipmentEx (ShipmentEx)
- ShoppingCart (OrderGroup_ShoppingCart)
You must specify at least one class, even if you don't specify a
in the parameters object. If you do not specifySQLMetaWhereClause
but specify anOrderGroup
, it filters the results for that type only.
For order searches, this should always be Mediachase.Commerce.Orders
This class lets you specify where clauses necessary to narrow the order search.
– This clause can use only OrderGroup
table fields. If this field is not set, OrderGroupId
is used.
– This field matches with the OrderSearchOptions.Classes
field to form a subquery based on an OrderGroup
metaclass. This clause looks like this: "META.CardType = 'Visa'"
where the option classes collection contains "CreditCardPayment"
. That returns all orders, carts, and payment plans with visa payments. META is the SQL alias for the table associated with the class you specify. See Classes.
clause that lets you specify additional order search criteria to form a subquery in the search stored procedure.
Using the META
keyword here refers to a different alias than using it in the SqlMetaWhereClause
, where it is an alias for the table associated with the class specified in the options object. In the SQLWhereClause
, it refers to a table in memory that has two columns:
- Key – The
. - Rank – Part of the meta
clause subquery. (You probably do not want to use META here.)
Only the OrderGroup
table is referenced directly in the SQLÂ WHERE
 clause. So, you could have a clause like OrderGroupId IN (SELECT OrdergroupId FROM Shipment WHERE NOT ShipmentTrackingNumber IS NULL)
You cannot add an
clause here because it is part of a subquery.
The following fields are not used for order search:
– A SQL OrderBy
clause that you can order the record. You can use any column name of columns in OrderGroup
table, or META.<column-name>
for columns in the metaclass table. For example, OrderGroup\_PurchaseOrder
This class is a singleton with several methods to find orders.
– Retrieves purchase orders where theOrderGroup.Status
is eitherInProgress
– Finds shopping carts based on parameters and options specified with the two other classes.FindPaymentPlans()
– Finds payment plans based on parameters and options specified with the two other classes.FindPurchaseOrders()
– Finds purchase orders based on parameters and options specified with the two other classes.FindPurchaseOrdersByStatus()
– Retrieves orders with particular order statuses.
Code examples
The code is common and first defined for all of the following code examples.
Sample code
OrderSearchOptions searchOptions = new OrderSearchOptions();
searchOptions.StartingRecord = 0;
searchOptions.RecordsToRetrieve = 10000;
searchOptions.Namespace = "Mediachase.Commerce.Orders";
The following examples have code that follows the code above.
Example 1
Retrieves purchase orders with a tracking number that is like a particular pattern, and with a tracking number (a meta-field) assigned to at least one shipment in the purchase order.
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "META.TrackingNumber LIKE '%PO%'";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = "OrderGroupId IN (SELECT OrdergroupId FROM Shipment WHERE NOT ShipmentTrackingNumber IS NULL)";
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
Example 2
Retrieves purchase orders containing line items with an RMANumber (a meta-field) associated with them.
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "NOT META.RMANumber IS NULL";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = "OrderGroupId IN (Select ObjectId FROM OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder)";
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
is used to ensure that only purchase orders are returned. If you do not do this, you may get carts (or payment plans, if they exist in your system) also in the dataset, and you will see errors like Index 0 is either negative or above rows count.This is because the metadata object load is getting confused by the different metafields in a purchase order instead of a cart. If you query orders using the API and do not specify which
object as the metaclass, add this where filter in theSQLWhereClause
. You can make a compoundWHERE
clause including this filter.
Example 3
Retrieves shopping carts where line items have an expiration date (a metafield) greater than a particular value.
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "META.ExpirationDate > '1/1/2012'";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = "OrderGroupId IN (Select ObjectId FROM OrderGroup_ShoppingCart)";
Cart[] cartCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<Cart>(parameters, searchOptions);
Example 4
Retrieves purchase orders that have shipments with a particular a shipping status (a metafield).
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "NOT META.PrevStatus IS NULL";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = "OrderGroupId IN (Select ObjectId FROM OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder)";
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
Example 5
This is a more complex SQL where clause that returns all orders that contain SKUs whose name contains a substring by using a join with the CatalogEntry
StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
sqlQuery.Append("OrderGroupId IN (SELECT OrderGroupId From LineItem li ");
sqlQuery.Append("INNER JOIN CatalogEntry en ");
sqlQuery.Append("ON li.CatalogEntryId = en.Code ");
sqlQuery.Append("WHERE en.Name LIKE '%Wine%')");
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
searchOptions.Classes.Add("PurchaseOrder"); parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = sqlQuery.ToString();
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
You do not have an
but do specify aPurchaseOrder
You can add any subquery, allowing the most flexibility.
Example 6
Joins several order metadata tables in the SQL where clause. This is a better, easier way to do more complex order searches with multiple order meta-classes, rather than using the options Classes
collection to filter order metaclasses.
The following query appears to have the potential to return duplicate ordergroupids, as an order can have multiple shipments or line items. However, the order search stored procedure ensures that only distinct order IDs are returned.
StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
sqlQuery.Append("OrderGroupId IN (SELECT li.OrderGroupId From LineItem li ");
sqlQuery.Append("INNER JOIN LineItemEx ex ");
sqlQuery.Append("ON li.LineItemId = ex.ObjectId ");
sqlQuery.Append("INNER JOIN Shipment sh ");
sqlQuery.Append("ON li.OrderGroupId = sh.OrderGroupId ");
sqlQuery.Append("INNER JOIN ShipmentEx shex ");
sqlQuery.Append("ON sh.ShipmentId = shex.ObjectId ");
sqlQuery.Append("WHERE ex.ExpirationDate > '1/1/2011'");
sqlQuery.Append("AND NOT shex.PrevStatus IS NULL)");
OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();
parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = "";
parameters.SqlWhereClause = sqlQuery.ToString();
PurchaseOrder[] purchaseOrderCollection = OrderContext.Current.Search<PurchaseOrder>(parameters, searchOptions);
Always test queries in SQL Management Studio first, and remember the closing
for yourSqlWhereClause
property value.
Stored procedure breakdown
The first part of the order search performs a dynamic search for orders based on the OrderSearchParameters
and OrderSearchOption
properties set in code.
This is the final query built based on settings you specify. The stored procedure that uses these properties to create a list of order ids is ecf\_OrderSearch
declare @Page_temp table (TotalRecords int, OrderGroupId int);
with OrderedResults as
(SELECT count([OrderGroup].OrderGroupId)
OVER() TotalRecords, [OrderGroup].OrderGroupId, Rank, ROW_NUMBER()
FROM [OrderGroup] OrderGroup
INNER JOIN (select distinct U.[KEY], U.Rank from
(select 100 as 'Rank', META.ObjectId as 'Key',
* from <database table associated with the order metaclass in the options Classes property>
META WHERE <SQLMetaWhereClause>)
ON OrderGroup.[OrderGroupId] = META.[KEY]
INSERT INTO @Page_temp (TotalRecords, OrderGroupId)
SELECT top(<RecordsToRetrieve>) TotalRecords, OrderGroupId FROM OrderedResults
WHERE RowNumber > <StartingRecord>;;
select @RecordCount = TotalRecords from @Page_temp;
INSERT INTO OrderSearchResults (SearchSetId, OrderGroupId)
SELECT [SearchSetId], OrderGroupId from @Page_temp;
- The query for metadata is built using the class you specify and the
you specify (already mentioned above). The META where clause inside theSQLMetaWhereClause
is different from the META alias available to theSQLWhereClause
.- If no
is specified, the query executes without theAND [SQLWhereClause]
portion. The same goes forSQLMetaWhereClause
.- The Application ID is managed internally by Customized Commerce.
Updated 2 months ago