Order processing
Describes the APIs for order processing in Optimizely Customized Commerce including validating line items in the cart, applying discounts and updating prices, adjusting inventories, and processing payments.
Processing of purchase orders and related items is based on classes and methods in the EPiServer.Commerce.Order
and EPiServer.Commerce.Marketing
These are the key interfaces:
. See Update inventory and Adjust inventory.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.ILineItemValidator
. See Validate line item.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IPaymentProcessor
. See Process payments.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IPaymentPlanProcessor
. See Process payment plans.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IPaymentPlanExtensions
. See Process payment plan extensions.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IPlacedPriceProcessor
. See Update placed price.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IFulfillmentWarehouseProcessor
. See Process purchase orders.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IPurchaseOrderExtensions
. See Process purchase order extensions.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IShipmentProcessor
. See Process shipments.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IShipmentProcessorExtensions
. See Process shipment extensions.EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IShipmentExtensions
. See Process shipment extensions.EPiServer.Commerce.Marketing.IPromotionEngine
. See Apply discount.
All example code below passes dependencies to the extension methods, so that you can easily unit test your applications.
Validation issues
When performing different actions on an IOrderGroup, issues can cause modifications to line items. These warnings and errors are represented in the class EPiServer.Commerce.Order.ValidationIssue
. Most processing tasks take a parameter with an Action\<ILineItem, ValidationIssue>
, which allows the caller to collect this information so a message about the issue can be displayed to the user.
Validate line items
Validating the status of line item is useful to make sure the product is active, within the valid date range, and that the catalog entry is available in the current market.
Example: Validate line items in a cart and checking for validation issues.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var lineItemValidator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ILineItemValidator>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
var validationIssues = new Dictionary<ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();
//Check all line items on cart
cart.ValidateOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), lineItemValidator);
//Check one lineitem
var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().First();
if (!lineItemValidator.Validate(lineItem, cart.Market, (item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue)))
//Check validationIssues for problems
Update placed price
Updating placed price is useful when a shopper has an item in the cart for an extended period of time. It is recommended to add validation to check if the product price has changed, and if needed update the price.
Example: Check and update placed price for line items.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var placedPriceProcessor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IPlacedPriceProcessor>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
var validationIssues = new Dictionary<ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();
//Update all placed prices on the cart
(item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), placedPriceProcessor);
//Update line item placed price
var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().First();
lineItem.UpdatePlacedPrice(PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetCustomerContact(), cart.Market,
cart.Currency,(item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), placedPriceProcessor);
//Update line item placed price
var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().First();
placedPriceProcessor.UpdatePlacedPrice(lineItem, PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetCustomerContact(),
cart.Market, cart.Currency,(item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue));
Apply discounts
Applying discounts will run the promotion engine to evaluate and apply discounts to the IOrderGroup. If certain discounts require coupons, it is important to add coupons to the IOrderForm before running ApplyDiscounts.
Example: Check for discounts on items in a cart.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var promotionEngine = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IPromotionEngine>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
//run apply discounts on the cart
var rewardDescriptions = cart.ApplyDiscounts(promotionEngine, new PromotionEngineSettings());
//run apply discounts on the cart
var rewardDescriptions = promotionEngine.Run(cart, new PromotionEngineSettings());
Process payments
Process payments allow the configured payments to be processed through their respective payment providers.
Example: Run the payment processor for a cart.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var paymentProcessor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IPaymentProcessor>();
var orderGroupCalculator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupCalculator>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
//Process payments for the cart
cart.ProcessPayments(paymentProcessor, orderGroupCalculator);
Update inventory
UpdateInventory checks that a sufficient inventory quantity exists for the selected shipment warehouse. This method also updates the line item with the available quantity or, if none are available, removes it.
Example: Update inventory information for a cart.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var inventoryProcessor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IInventoryProcessor>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
var validationIssues = new Dictionary<ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();
//Update Inventory on cart
cart.UpdateInventoryOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), inventoryProcessor);
//Update inventory on shipment line items
var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment();
inventoryProcessor.UpdateInventoryOrRemoveLineItem(shipment, (item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue));
Adjust inventory
AdjustInventory adjusts the inventory for each line item and removes it if no inventory exists. This operation is done in sequence for each shipment in an IOrderGroup, or for a specific shipment if the IInventoryProcessor method is called directly.
The behavior changes based on the value of the IOrderGroup OrderStatus property. If calling the IInventoryProcessor directly, you should pass the status of the shipment's parent IOrderGroup:
- Completed – Makes permanent the reservation of inventory, decrementing available quantity.
- Canceled – Cancels the reservation of inventory, incrementing available quantity.
- InProgress || AwaitingExchange – Reserves inventory to fulfill the shipment.
In addition, the value of IShipment.OrderShipmentStatus may override the behavior for a specific shipment.
- Shipped – Same behavior as OrderStatus.Completed but is applied regardless of the value of IOrderGroup.OrderStatus.
- Cancelled – Same behavior as OrderStatus.Cancelled but is applied regardless of the value of IOrderGroup.OrderStatus.
Example: Adjust inventory information for a line items in a cart.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var inventoryProcessor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IInventoryProcessor>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart(contactId, "Default");
var validationIssues = new Dictionary<ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();
//Adjust Inventory on cart
cart.AdjustInventoryOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), inventoryProcessor);
//Adjust inventory on shipment line items
var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment();
inventoryProcessor.AdjustInventoryOrRemoveLineItems(shipment, cart.OrderStatus, (item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue));
Process purchase orders
IPurchaseOrderProcessor contains functionality for putting and releasing orders on hold, canceling orders, and starting order processing.
Example: Use HoldOrder() to put a purchase order on hold.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IPurchaseOrderProcessor purchaseOrderProcessor;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
**Example:** Using ReleaseOrder() to release a purchase order from hold.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IPurchaseOrderProcessor purchaseOrderProcessor;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
Example: Use CancelOrder() to cancel a purchase order.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IPurchaseOrderProcessor purchaseOrderProcessor;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
Example: Use ProcessOrder() to start processing a purchase order.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IPurchaseOrderProcessor purchaseOrderProcessor;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
Process purchase order extensions
IPurchaseOrderExtensions extends the functionality provided with IPurchaseOrderProcessor.
Example: Use IsPaid() to determine if a purchase order is paid.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var isPaid = purchaseOrder.IsPaid();
Example: Use CanBeCancelled() to determine if purchase order can be cancelled.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canBeCancelled = purchaseOrder.CanBeCancelled();
Example: Use CanBePutOnHold() to determine if purchase order can be put on hold.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canBeHold = purchaseOrder.CanBePutOnHold();
Example: Use HasAwaitingStockReturns() to determine if purchase order has any awaiting stock returns.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var awaitingStockReturns = purchaseOrder.HasAwaitingStockReturns();
Example: Usie HasAwaitingReturnCompletable() to determine if purchase order has any awaiting return completable.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var awaitingReturnCompletable = purchaseOrder.HasAwaitingReturnCompletable();
Example: Use GetActiveReturnForms() to get a purchase order's active return forms (moved from DefaultReturnPurchaseOrderCalculator).
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var activeReturnForms = purchaseOrder.GetActiveReturnForms();
Example: Use CanReleaseShipment() to determine if a shipment can be released.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canReleaseShipment = purchaseOrder.CanReleaseShipment(shipment);
Example: Use CanCancelShipment() to determine if a shipment can be cancelled.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canCancelShipment = purchaseOrder.CanCancelShipment(shipment);
Example: Use CanReturnShipment() to determine if a shipment can be returned.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canReturnShipment = purchaseOrder.CanReturnShipment(shipment);
Example: Use CanCompleteShipment() to determine if a shipment can be completed.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
var canCompleteShipment = purchaseOrder.CanCompleteShipment(shipment);
Process shipments
IShipmentProcessor contains functionality for canceling, completing, and realising shipments, and adding them to and from warehouse picklists.
Example: Use CancelShipment() to cancel a shipment.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
shipmentProcessor.CancelShipment(purchaseOrder, shipment);
Example: Use CompleteShipment() to complete a shipment.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IList<Ishipment> shipments;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
shipmentProcessor.CompleteShipment(purchaseOrder, shipments);
Example: Use ReleaseShipment() to release a shipment.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IList<Ishipment> shipments;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
shipmentProcessor.ReleaseShipment(purchaseOrder, shipments);
Example: Use AddShipmentToPicklist() to add a shipment to a picklist.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var pickListId = 1;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
shipmentProcessor.AddShipmentToPicklist(purchaseOrder, shipment, pickListId);
Example: Use RemoveShipmentFromPicklist() to remove a shipment from a picklist.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IShipment shipment;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<PurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
shipmentProcessor.RemoveShipmentFromPicklist(purchaseOrder, shipment);
Process shipment extensions
IShipmentProcessorExtensions extends the functionality provided with IShipmentProcessor.
Example: Use CompleteShipment() to complete a shipment.
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IPurchaseOrder purchaseOrder;
IShipment shipment;
shipmentProcessor.CompleteShipment(purchaseOrder, shipment);
Example: Use ReleaseShipment() to release a shipment.
IShipmentProcessor shipmentProcessor;
IPurchaseOrder purchaseOrder;
IShipment shipment;
shipmentProcessor.ReleaseShipment(purchaseOrder, shipment);
Example: Use CanBePacked() in IShipmentExtensions to determine if a shipment can be packed.
IShipment shipment;
var canBePacked = shipment.CanBePacked();
Process payment plans
IPaymentPlanProcessor contains functionality for canceling payment plans.
Example: Use CancelPaymentPlan() to cancel a payment plan.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
IPaymentPlanProcessor paymentPlanProcessor;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Load<PaymentPlan>(orderGroupId);
Process payment plan extensions
IPaymentPlanExtensions conatins functionality for checking payment and cancellation of payment plans.
Example: Use IsPaid() to determine if a payment plan is paid.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Load<PaymentPlan>(orderGroupId);
var isPaid = paymentPlan.IsPaid();
Example: Use CanBeCancelled() to determine if a payment plan can be cancelled.
IOrderRepository orderRepository;
var orderGroupId = 123;
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Load<PaymentPlan>(orderGroupId);
var canBeCancelled = paymentPlan.CanBeCancelled();
Use APIs instead of CartHelper for order checkout
The IOrderRepository API replaces the legacy functionality provided with the CartHelper activity workflow. The following provides some guidelines on how to use the API instead.
The legacy cart checkout workflow contained activities that can be called separately by the APIs.
- ProcessPaymentActivity – Previously used for processing payments added to a cart. Use IOrderGroupExtensions.ProcessPayments instead.
- CalculateTotalsActivity – Previously used for calculating order totals. Use IOrderGroupExtensions.GetTotals() instead.
- AdjustInventoryActivity – Previously used for adjusting line item inventories. Use IOrderGroupExtensions.AdjustInventoryOrRemoveLineItems() instead.
- RecordPromotionUsageActivity – Previously used to calculate and save promotion usage. Use IOrderGroupExtensions.ApplyDiscounts() instead.
- Use IOrderRepository.SaveAsPurchaseOrder() to save a cart as a purchase order.
Updated 11 months ago