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Change default conventions

Describes indexing conventions for catalog content and how to make changes to the default behavior in Optimizely Customized Commerce with Optimizely Search & Navigation.

Catalog content client conventions

To change default behavior, create a new class to override the conventions that are applied. The following example shows what class to inherit from, and how to register your implementation.

public class MyCatalogContentClientConventions : CatalogContentClientConventions 
    public class MyCommerceInitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
        public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            context.Services.AddSingleton<CatalogContentClientConventions, MyCatalogContentClientConventions>();
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)

Remove inventories from being indexed

Inventories get indexed for variants by default. The inventories are part of the variant document, and contain information about the inventory in different warehouses.

When the inventory event is triggered, the variant content is re-indexed. By removing the inventories from the variant, the content is not re-indexed on inventory updates.

protected override void ApplyIStockPlacementConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<IStockPlacement> conventionBuilder)
            .ExcludeField(x => x.Inventories());

Remove prices from being indexed

Prices are indexed for variants by default, are part of the variant document, and contain information about the prices for different users and groups.

When a price event is triggered, the variant content is re-indexed. By removing the prices, and default price from the variant, the content is not re-indexed on price updates.

protected override void ApplyPricingConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<IPricing> conventionBuilder)
            .ExcludeField(x => x.DefaultPrice())
            .ExcludeField(x => x.Prices());

Apply default conventions

This method applies the default conventions. If you want to make a change, override this method, or any of the submethods, and add or remove conventions you need.

public override void ApplyConventions(IClientConventions clientConventions)
        ChangeConverterForInstancesOf<Money>(clientConventions, new Json.MoneyConverter());
        ChangeConverterForInstancesOf<MarketId>(clientConventions, new Json.MarketIdConverter());

Apply pricing conventions

This method allows for IPricing to be indexed, meaning that the default price and all other prices are indexed with the associated content. You can override this method if you want to change which fields are indexed.

protected override void ApplyPricingConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<IPricing> conventionBuilder)
            .IncludeField(x => x.DefaultPrice())
            .IncludeField(x => x.Prices());

Apply price conventions

This method allows excludes the EntryContent field from the Price object when indexing. Leave this field excluded if you are indexing prices. If you are not indexing prices, you can remove this convention.

protected override void ApplyPriceConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<Price> conventionBuilder)
            .ExcludeField(x => x.EntryContent);

Apply stock placement conventions

This method allows for IStockPlacement to be indexed, meaning that inventory records are indexed with the associated content. You can override this method if you want to change which fields are indexed.

protected override void ApplyIStockPlacementConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<IStockPlacement> conventionBuilder)
        conventionBuilder.IncludeField(x => x.Inventories());

Apply customer pricing conventions

This method allows for CustomerPricing objects to be properly indexed. If you are indexing prices, leave this convention as-is. If you are not indexing prices, remove this convention.

protected override void ApplyCustomerPricingConventions(TypeConventionBuilder<CustomerPricing> conventionBuilder)