Option configuration classes
Introduces various configuration possibilities and their settings in Optimizely Customized Commerce.
The configuration options described in the following can all be set from appsettings.json, or through code using .NET 5 (Core) Configure in the ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs.
Cache expiration variables in Options classes are defined as TimeSpan struct. You can override them with your own representation of TimeSpan struct for cache settings but be cautious of the performance affect it can have on your site.
This contains settings for handlers and plug-in collections for meta classes. The ConfigureServices method can be used to to add or remove handlers or plugins. See Work with entity objects.
services.Configure<BusinessManagerOptions>(o =>
o.Handlers.Add(new CustomRequestHandler(){});
o.Plugins.Add(new CustomRequestPlugin(){});
Name | Description | Default |
Handlers | Gets or sets handlers used in BusinessManager request processing. | EPiServer specified handlers. |
Plugins | Gets or sets plugins used in BusinessManager request processing. | EPiServer specified plugins. |
Contains a set of meta object-related settings.
Name | Description | Default |
MaxListObject | Gets or sets the max list object, for example records to retrieve from meta object system while querying. | 1000 |
UseCache | Gets or sets a value indicating whether cache should be used while querying. | false |
CacheItemExpiration | Gets or sets the cache item expiration in seconds. | 30 |
UseSPOptimization | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use sp optimization]. | false |
SPItemExpiration | Gets or sets the SP item expiration in minutes. | 10080 |
Instances | Gets or sets the business object services; list of MetaObjectInstance objects. | Empty |
Types | Gets or sets the types; List | Empty |
Contains a set of meta data-related settings.
Name | Description | Default |
CacheExpiration | The default expiration time. | 10 minutes |
DisableVersionSync | Gets the value of the DisableVersionSync appSetting, indicating whether an update to Catalog content done outside the Content APIs will remove any version data (for example drafts, old published versions) for the affected Content. Setting this to "true" can improve the speed of batch operations done through the lower-level API:s like ICatalogSystem, in for example the catalog import. | false |
AllowUntypedCatalogContent | Allows for no models to need to exist for catalog content. | false |
RemoveOrphanedMetaKeysBatchSize | Batch size for remove orphaned key job. | 10000 |
Contains settings for the Catalog subsystem. The CatalogOptions cache can be set via appsettings.json using the following syntax.
"Commerce": {
"CatalogOptions": {
"Cache": {
"UseCache": false
"ContentVersionCacheExpiration": "1.02:03:04" //1 day, 2 hours, 3 mins, 4 seconds
"SalePriceTypes": [{
"Key": "AllCustomers",
"Value": 0,
"Description": "Description",
"ControlUrl": "ControlUrl"
Name | Description | Default |
AutoConfigure | Determines whether to auto configure the Catalog system when first initialized. | true |
Cache | Contains options for the catalog cache system. Instance of CatalogCacheOptions. | See CatalogCacheOptions |
SalePriceTypes | Represents configures SalePriceTypes; List | Empty |
ShowVariationListPrice | Enables the display of the obsolete variation list price in the catalog entry edit user interface | false |
CatalogImportBatchSize | Gets or sets the batch size of the entries when importing a catalog. | 200 |
CommandTimeout | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to user custom sql command timeout or not in seconds. | -1 |
CatalogEventLevel | Used to control which events will be raised remotely. | CatalogEventLevel.All |
DisableCatalogEventDrivenIndexing | Disables event indexing for the Customized Commerce search provider not Search & Navigation (Find). | false |
SkipCatalogContentModelCheck | Disables validating models exist in the application domain. | false |
IgnorePropertyAndMetafieldMisMatch | Ignores Meta field mismatches in catalog content scanning. | false |
SimplifiedCatalogListingThreshold | Number of records in which the catalog listing view does not group products and variants. | 2000 |
DraftMigrationBatchSize | Batch size when migrating legacy drafts to the new version store. | 5000 |
DraftMigrationTimeSpan | Timeout for draft store migration from legacy to new version store in hours. | 1 |
Contains settings for the Catalog subsystem caching.
Name | Description | Default |
UseCache | Indicates if the cache is enabled. | true |
ContentVersionCacheExpiration | Expiration time for catalog content versions. | 10 |
CollectionCacheExpiration | Expiration time for catalog relations, catalog associations, catalog nodes, catalog entries, catalog, tax categories and merchants. | 15 |
EntryCacheExpiration | Expiration time for entries. | 15 |
NodeCacheExpiration | Expiration time for nodes. | 15 |
CurrencyCacheExpiration | Expiration time for currencies. | 1 hour |
IdentityResolverCacheExpiration | Expiration time for the identity resolver. | 10 |
InventoryCacheExpiration | Expiration time for inventory. | 5 |
PriceCacheExpiration | Expiration time for price. | 10 |
PriceDetailsCacheExpiration | Expiration time for price details. | 10 |
Contains settings for URI validation, see Routing.
Name | Description | Default |
UseLessStrictEntryUriSegmentValidation | Gets the value of episerver:commerce.UseLessStrictEntryUriSegmentValidationAppSetting, indicating whether validation of entry uri segments should be strict or not. Strict validation means uri segments must be globally unique (for the language) to make sure all hierarchical routes to entries will work despite any crosslinking that happens after the uri segment has been saved. With less strict validation, the uri segment will still be validated for uniqueness against sibling items, but since this happens at the time of saving, crosslinking items can create collisions in hierarchical routes. | false |
Contains non-feature specific settings. To disable a feature, use the syntax as in the following example for Serializable carts.
"Commerce": {
"ApplicationOptions": {
"Features": {
"SerializedCarts": {
"Feature": "SerializedCarts",
"State": 1, // 0 is enabled, 1 for disabled
"Type": "Mediachase.Commerce.Core.Features.SerializedCarts, Mediachase.Commerce"
Name | Description | Default |
DefaultApplicationName | Defines default value used for the application name. | "ECApplication" |
Cache | Cache settings for the application. | See ApplicationCacheOptions |
AutoMigrate | Auto-migrate Customized Commerce. | true |
Roles | Application roles. Key/value dictionary. | EPiServer-specified default roles. |
Features | Configurable application features; SerializedCarts (enabled), WorkflowsVNext(disabled). | N/A |
Contains settings for Application-related caching.
Name | Description | Default |
Enabled | Determines whether in-memory caching is enabled or not. | true |
Contains settings for the Customers subsystem.
Name | Description | Default |
AutoInstall | Gets a value indicating whether to automatically install metadata definitions for entities related to customers/contacts. | true |
DemoInstall | Gets a value indicating whether to install sample customers in the system automatically. | true |
Cache | Config settings that define where caching is enabled and timeouts related to it. | See CustomerCacheOptions |
Contains settings for the Customers subsystem caching.
Name | Description | Default |
UseCache | Gets or sets if the cache is enabled. | true |
ContactCollectionCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the contact collection expiration time. | 1 minute |
ContactCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the contact expiration time. | 1 minute |
AddressCollectionCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the address collection expiration time. | 1 minute |
AddressCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the address expiration time. | 1 minute |
CreditCardCollectionCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the credit card collection expiration time. | 1 minute |
OrganizationCollectionCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the organization collection expiration time in minutes. | 1 minute |
OrganizationCacheExpiration | Gets or sets the organization expiration time. | 1 minute |
Contains settings for data index management.
Name | Description | Default |
DisableRetryPolicy | Disabled the retry policy for the sql data provider. | false |
LowFragmentationThreshold | Used by the maintain database indexes job. | 10 |
HighFragmentationThreshold | Used by the maintain database indexes job. | 30 |
DataBaseIndicesJobCommandTimeOut | Used by the maintain database indexes job. | -1 for default timeout (30 seconds) |
Contains settings for the Markets subsystem.
Name | Description | Default |
CacheExpiration | The default expiration time used in MarketService. | 5 minutes |
Contains settings for the Orders subsystem.
Name | Description | Default |
NewOrderStatus | Gets the new order status. | InProgress |
AutoConfigure | Gets a value indicating whether to auto-configure the Order system when first initialized. | true |
ShipmentAutoReleaseTimeout | Gets or sets the shipment auto-release timeout. | 1 day |
DisableOrderDataLocalization | Flag to indicate if order data localization is disabled. | false |
MetaClasses | Contains the names of meta classes for orders that are stored in the configuration file. | EPiServer-defined meta classes. |
MappedTypes | Gets the mapping of order-related entities to actual implementation classes. | EPiServer-defined mapped types. |
Cache | The cache options for Orders. | See OrderCacheOptions |
Contains settings for the Order subsystem caching.
Name | Description | Default |
UseCache | Indicates if the cache is enabled. | true |
IsOrderRepositoryCacheDisabled | Indicates if the order repository cache is disabled. | false |
JurisdictionCacheExpiration | Expiration time for jurisdictions. | 1 hour |
TaxCacheExpiration | Expiration time for taxes. | 1 hour |
CountryCacheExpiration | Expiration time for countries. | 1 hour |
PaymentCacheExpiration | Expiration time for payments. | 1 day |
ShippingCacheExpiration | Expiration time for shipping. | 1 day |
StatusCacheExpiration | Expiration time for status. | 10 seconds |
PickListCacheExpiration | Expiration time for pick lists. | 20 seconds |
OrderCacheExpirationLegacy | Expiration time for legacy ordergroups. | 10 minutes |
OrderCacheExpiration | Expiration time for ordergroups. | 10 minutes |
UserOrderCacheExpiration | Expiration time for user order. | 5 minutes |
Contains settings for the legacy _Marketing_subsystem (replaced by the Marketing and campaigns system).
Name | Description | Default |
StatisticsCacheExpiration | The expiration time for marketing statistics. | 1 day |
PromotionInformationCacheExpiration | Expiration time for promotion information. TimeSpan object. | 10 minutes |
LinkableTypesEnabled | Indicates whether Marketing Links in link selector dialog should be shown or not. | false |
EvaluablePromotionCacheExpiration | Expiration time for evaluable promotion. | 30 seconds |
DiscountedEntryCacheExpiration | Expiration time for discounted entries. | 1 minute |
Contains settings for Promotions.
Name | Description | Default |
PromotionExclusionLevel | Indicates whether exclusion should be at the order or unit level. Default is Order. | ExclusionLevel.Order |
ApplyPromotionUnitIndividually | Define whether to apply promotions units individually instead of as a group. | false |
Contains settings for URI conflicts.
Name | Description | Default |
EmailRecipients | Recipents string list that will get an email if any URI conflicts are found. | Empty List |
Contains general settings for Reports.
Name | Description | Default |
OrderPerPromotionReportDataTimeout | Timeout in seconds for query for order per promotion report. | 30 |
EnableEventDrivenOrderReporting | Enable event driven order reporting. | false |
ReportForInactivePromotionItems | Add report for inactive promotion items. | false |
Contains settings for reporting time ranges.
Name | Description | Default |
TimeRangesInDays | Date ranges used to generate reports, for example 30, 90, or 180 days. | 90 |
SubscriptionTimeRangesInDays | Date ranges used to generate subscription reports, for example 30, 90, or 180 days. | 90 |
Contains settings for the catalog feed.
Name | Description | Default |
EnableEventDrivenCatalogFeed | Enables event driven incremental catalog feed. | false |
CatalogFeedBatchSize | Batch size when processing catalog feed. | 50 |
CalculateDiscountPrices | Calculate discounted prices for the feed. | true |
MaxEntryProcessForIncrementalCatalogFeed | Max entries to process in incremental feed. | 10000 |
Corresponds to the Mediachase.Search.SearchOptions class, containing settings for indexing and search features, see Search.
The default Customized Commerce installation contains the search provider LuceneSearchProvider, but this is not configured. You can use this, or create your search provider. See below how to configure the LuceneSearchProvider in appsettings.json to configure.
"Commerce": {
"SearchOptions": {
"DefaultSearchProvider": "LuceneSearchProvider",
"MaxHitsForSearchResults": 1000,
"IndexerBasePath": "[appDataPath]\\Quicksilver\\SearchIndex",
"IndexerConnectionString": "",
"SearchProviders": [{
"Name": "LuceneSearchProvider",
"Type": "Mediachase.Search.Providers.Lucene.LuceneSearchProvider, Mediachase.Search.LuceneSearchProvider",
"Parameters": {
"queryBuilderType": "Mediachase.Search.Providers.Lucene.LuceneSearchQueryBuilder, Mediachase.Search.LuceneSearchProvider",
"storage": "[appDataPath]\\Quicksilver\\SearchIndex",
"simulateFaceting": "true"
"Indexers": [{
"Name": "catalog",
"Type": "EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site.Infrastructure.Indexing.CatalogIndexer, EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site"
Name | Description | Default |
DefaultSearchProvider | Gets or sets the default provider. | N/A |
SearchProviders | Gets or sets the search providers. | N/A |
MaxHitsForSearchResults | Gets or sets the max hits for search result. | N/A |
IndexerBasePath | Gets or sets the base path. The path where properties of the last index will be stored. Each application will have its own folder created. | N/A |
IndexerConnectionString | Gets or sets the connection string where build information will be stored. | N/A |
Indexers | Gets or sets the indexers. | N/A |
Updated 11 months ago