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Extend components

Describes the Order Management user interface that lets customer representatives manage orders manually when needed in Optimizely Customized Commerce.

Optimizely currently supports extensibility on cart, order, and subscription create and edit in Customized Commerce 14.

The CSR extended components will be added as extra views in CSR UI. There are 3 order types in CSR UI for these components to be added.

  • Cart
  • Order
  • Subscription

In each order type, there are 3 locations which have the existing placeholder, this is where extended components are displayed.

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Tab

These extended components will be pre-built from ReactJS to CommonJS. After this extension package is installed, placeholders in CSR UI reads all necessary information of each component such as order type, location, and the URL where the CommomJS code of this component is located. When the CSR application is running, it uses the URL to get a CommonJS file of a certain component and load it to the view at runtime.

Get started

CSR needs to know its extended components exist using ExtendedComponentOptions class. This class contains all information that CSR needs to work with.

  • Name: The display name of component.
  • ScriptUrl: The link of pre-built component.
  • Order: The displaying order on UI
  • ComponentLocation: The location of component. Using enum value.
    • Header = 0,
    • Footer = 1,
    • Tab = 2
  • OrderTypes: The order types component applies to. Using flag enum value.
    • Cart = 1,
    • PurchaseOrder = 2,
    • Subscription = 4

Step 1: Configuration components' information

  1. Create a new class library project.
  2. Create an InitializableModule class for this library and use ServiceConfigurationContext to add components.
context.Services.Configure<ExtendedComponentOptions>(x =>
            Name = "CartOrderSubscriptionTab3",
            ScriptUrl = Paths.ToClientResource(GetType().Assembly, "clientResources/dist/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3.js"),
            Order = 3,
            ComponentLocation = ComponentLocation.Tab,
            OrderTypes = OrderTypes.Cart | OrderTypes.PurchaseOrder | OrderTypes.Subscription

Step 2: Build React components

  1. Setup a React Application in the new class library project.
  2. In src folder, create a new folder, each folder will be corresponding to a component.
  3. Create a component file which will be built into a remote component.
  4. Create index file for for local development.
yarn dev:server --config-name config-{folder name of the component}

to start webpack-dev-server and develop the component. Example: yarn dev:server --config-name config-CsrExtensionCartTab2
The localhost will run in port 9090.

  1. After finishing development, run
yarn build:release

to generate a commonJS file of the component.
Other commands

yarn build: debug => build in debug mode, mapping file will be generated for debugging.
yarn build: watch => build in debug mode, watch changes and re-build each changes.

Step 3: Add component's controller

For more complex usage, a controller should be created.
Create a new folder in the root folder of the project, the folder name of the component should be the same as the one's folder in src folder (not mandatory, but for easy management).

Step 4: Pack the library project to nuget package

Run build.cmd to build the typescript and the solution.
Run pack.cmd to create the nuget package.

An alternative way is to refer the site to the class library project.

Step 5: Run the commerce site

Run commerce site, and the component will be loaded at runtime.


Instead of creating extended components in a separate module, the alternative way is to add pre-built component JS file to the web app (for example: put the JS file in wwwroot folder)

Step 1: Config components' information

There are 2 ways to config in the web app.

  • Using InitializableModule in the web app
context.Services.Configure<ExtendedComponentOptions>(x =>
            Name = "CartOrderSubscriptionTab3",
            ScriptUrl = "/js/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3.js",
            Order = 3,
            ComponentLocation = ComponentLocation.Tab,
            OrderTypes = OrderTypes.Cart | OrderTypes.PurchaseOrder | OrderTypes.Subscription
  • Using appsettings.json
  "EPiServer": {
    "Commerce": {
      "ExtendedComponentOptions": {
        "ExtendedComponents": [
            "Name": "CartOrderSubscriptionTab3",
            "ScriptUrl": "/js/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3/CartOrderSubscriptionTab3.js",
            "Order": 2,
            "ComponentLocation": 2,
            "OrderTypes": 7,

OrderTypes uses flag enum, if a component belongs to more than one type, use the combination. For example: OrderTypes = 7 means this component belongs to Cart, PurchaseOrder, and Subscription.

Step 2: Build React components

  1. Create a client app to build extended components to commonJS files.
  2. Copy these files to the commerce site (for example: wwwroot folder).

Step 3: Add components' controller

Add controllers to the commerce site if necessary.

Usage example
