Disable product update events
Describes how to disable the event listener if you do not want Optimizely Customized Commerce catalog content to be indexed by Optimizely Search & Navigation.
EPiServer.Find.Commerce has an event listener that listens for events trigged by the Optimizely Customized Commerce Framework API. The event listener gets typed content for the catalog/node/entry that was added/changed/deleted, and updates the index. You can disable the event listener by setting the appsettings value of episerver:FindIndexCatalogContent to false.
Enable the event listener for front-end and edit servers, to listen for remote events coming from the Customized Commerce Admin user interface [Commerce Manager in version 13 and lower]. By itself, this does not index typed content, because it does not have the types defined in any assembly. Instead, it sends events when something changes, and the front-end server or edit server (with the listener enabled) then indexes typed content of the correct type.
Service API
The Service API indexes the typed content if the configuration file episerver:FindIndexCatalogContent setting is set to true.
Updated 11 months ago