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Database changes for inventory service

Describes changes to the database schema for the inventory service used when you extract inventory data directly from Optimizely Customized Commerce.

Access inventory information 

Direct database access usually is not a recommended practice. Instead, you should access this information either through the Optimizely Service API or the inventory APIs.

The database schema is considered an internal artifact of the system. Database schema changes may occur at any release without affecting the semantic versioning scheme. This means that a breaking change, such as changing tables or table names in the database schema, does not result in a major version update of Customized Commerce.

See Inventory requests for information about accessing warehouse inventory information.

Database schema changes

The modifications to the database schema involve migration of information from the old WarehouseInventory table to the new InventoryService table. If you have reporting running against the old WarehouseInventory** **table, this table will not receive any new or updated information, but the existing information remains.

Customized Commerce 11 and higher


Customized Commerce 10 and lower

Migration script

When you migrate data between the systems, the following script is executed.

Customized Commerce 11 and higher

insert into [dbo].[InventoryService]
      cast(case wi.[InventoryStatus] when 1 then 1 else 0 end as bit) as [IsTracked],
      wi.[InStockQuantity] - wi.[ReservedQuantity] as [PurchaseAvailableQuantity],
      wi.[PreorderQuantity] as [PreorderAvailableQuantity],
      wi.[BackorderQuantity] as [BackorderAvailableQuantity],
      0 as [PurchaseRequestedQuantity],
      0 as [PreorderRequestedQuantity],
      0 as [BackorderRequestedQuantity],
      ce.[StartDate] as [PurchaseAvailableDate],
        when wi.[AllowPreorder] = 1 and wi.[PreorderAvailabilityDate] < ce.[StartDate] then wi.[PreorderAvailabilityDate]
      else ce.[StartDate]
    end as [PreorderAvailableUtc],
      wi.[BackorderAvailabilityDate] as [BackorderAvailableUtc],
      wi.[ReservedQuantity] as [AdditionalQuantity],
    from [dbo].[WarehouseInventory] wi
    join [dbo].[CatalogEntry] ce on wi.[CatalogEntryCode] = ce.[Code]

Customized Commerce 10 and lower

insert into [dbo].[InventoryService]
      cast(case wi.[InventoryStatus] when 1 then 1 else 0 end as bit) as [IsTracked],
      wi.[InStockQuantity] - wi.[ReservedQuantity] as [PurchaseAvailableQuantity],
      wi.[PreorderQuantity] as [PreorderAvailableQuantity],
      wi.[BackorderQuantity] as [BackorderAvailableQuantity],
      0 as [PurchaseRequestedQuantity],
      0 as [PreorderRequestedQuantity],
      0 as [BackorderRequestedQuantity],
      ce.[StartDate] as [PurchaseAvailableDate],
        when wi.[AllowPreorder] = 1 and wi.[PreorderAvailabilityDate] < ce.[StartDate] then 
      else ce.[StartDate]
    end as [PreorderAvailableUtc],
      wi.[BackorderAvailabilityDate] as [BackorderAvailableUtc],
      wi.[ReservedQuantity] as [AdditionalQuantity],
    from [dbo].[WarehouseInventory] wi
    join [dbo].[CatalogEntry] ce on wi.[ApplicationId] = ce.[ApplicationId] and wi.[CatalogEntryCode] = ce.[Code]