Client-side API integration
Describes how to integrate Optimizely Product Recommendations client-side API to Optimizely Customized Commerce.
Sample code in this article is taken from Quicksilver templates. The Quicksilver Customized Commerce sample site and installation instructions are available for download from GitHub.
See Customized Commerce API overview for the initialization steps. Then, continue with the steps below.
1. Define the recommended sections
In the Views/Shared/\_Layout.cshtml
view, add following sections:
- recommendations-upper
- recommendations-left
- recommendations-right
- recommendations-bottom
<div class="main-area">@RenderBody()</div>
<div class="recommendations recommendations-upper"></div>
<div class="recommendations recommendations-left"></div>
<div class="recommendations recommendations-right"></div>
<div class="recommendations recommendations-bottom"></div>
2. Add the client-side tracking script
To the Views/Shared/\_Layout.cshtml
view, add following @using
statement to the top of file.
@using EPiServer.Personalization.Commerce.Extensions
Then, add @Html.LoadTrackingAPI()
to the tag, like this.
3. Set up the template engine to render recommended data
This section provides an example of using the mustache.js
template engine to render recommended data. The following code resides inside a partial view named \_Views/Shared/\_\_RecommendationsTemplates.cshtml
<script id="epiRecommendationListTemplate" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
<div class="jsProductTile product-row__tile" data-recommendation-id="{{id}}">
{{> epiRecommendationItemTemplate}}
<script id="epiRecommendationItemTemplate" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
<div class="product has-discount">
<div class="product">
<a href="{{#attributes}}{{url}}{{/attributes}}&recommendationId={{id}}" class="link--black">
<div class="view-details"></div>
<img src="{{#attributes}}{{img}}{{/attributes}}" alt="{{refCode}}" class="img-responsive" />
<h3 class="product-title">{{#attributes}}{{title}}{{/attributes}}</h3>
<h4 class="product-price">{{#attributes}}{{unitPrice}}{{/attributes}}</h4>
<h4 class="product-price product-price--discount">{{#attributes}}{{salePrice}}{{/attributes}}</h4>
<h4 class="product-price">{{#attributes}}{{salePrice}}{{/attributes}}</h4>
<div class="quick-view-btn-container">
<button type="button"
class="btn btn-block btn-sm quickview-button">@Html.Translate("/Product/Quickview")
4. Render recommendation templates
In the Views/Shared/\_Layout.cshtml
view, render the templates created in step 3.
5. Render the page tracking script
To the Views/Shared/\_Layout.cshtml
view, add following code to render the page tracking script.
@RenderSection("Tracking", false)
After that, the page should look like this.
@RenderSection("Tracking", false)
Track with custom attributes
This section explains how to create, send, then consume recommendations on a page with custom attributes. This integration is applied to a Product package page.
1. Create product tracking data
var refCode = '@Model.Package.Code';
var packageTrackingData = TrackingDataFactory.createProductTrackingData(refCode);
2. Add a custom attribute
packageTrackingData["customAttributes"] = { 'marketId': Market.getSelectedMarketId() };
3. Send a tracking request and receive recommendations
{ sectionMappings:
{ area: "productAlternativesWidget", selector: ".recommendations-right", numberOfItemsToRender: 2 },
{ area: "productCrossSellsWidget", selector: ".recommendations-bottom" }
In the view Views/Packages/Index.cshtml
, use these settings to render more than one recommendation section.
@section Tracking
$(document).ready(function () {
var refCode = '@Model.Package.Code';
var packageTrackingData = TrackingDataFactory.createProductTrackingData(refCode);
packageTrackingData["customAttributes"] = { 'marketId': Market.getSelectedMarketId() };
{ sectionMappings: [
{ area: "productAlternativesWidget", selector: ".recommendations-right", numberOfItemsToRender: 2 },
{ area: "productCrossSellsWidget", selector: ".recommendations-bottom" }
The section mapping defines options to render the recommended data.
- The first section mapping:
- Type of
- Maximum items are 2
- The HTML tag with the CSS class is recommendations-right
- Type of
- The second section mapping:
- Type of
- No maximum
- The HTML tag with the CSS class is recommendations-bottom
- Type of
Updated 11 months ago