Simplify and save time building search queries for Optimizely Graph.
The Optimizely Graph .Net Client is a package that supports generating Optimizely Graph queries. The package contains the essential functions for selecting, filtering, and faceting the documents.
The Optimizely Graph .NET Client is in beta. Contact your Customer Success Manager for information.
It is similar to Optimizely's Search & Navigation product for querying but has some key differences.
The open-source code is available in the GitHub repository. Optimizely appreciates all contributions to the source.
Optimizely is still working on the documentation for the Optimizely Graph .NET Client, so you can help Optimizely by finding typos, missing information, or writing additional documentation by opening an issue or pull request with the label documentation on the GitHub repository or clicking Suggest Edits on the right of the document.
Updated 5 months ago