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Configure the package settings in ASP.NET Core

Steps necessary to set the configuration.



The Optimizely Graph .NET Client is in beta. Contact your Customer Success Manager for information.

Open appsettings.json and ensure it has the following settings:

"Optimizely": {
  "ContentGraph": {
    "GatewayAddress": "",
    "AppKey": "",
    "Secret": "",
    "SingleKey": "",
    "QueryPath": ""
  • GatewayAddress – URL for the API Gateway. This value should be set to https://cg.optimizely.com for all production environments.
  • AppKey – Sent to you when the account was created, is the public key from your HMAC authentication pair.
  • Secret – Sent to you when the account was created, is the secret key from your HMAC authentication pair.
  • SingleKey – Sent to you when your account was created, is the public key which you can use on the public site.
  • QueryPath – The value for GraphQL query path, default value is "content/v2".

Add the following configuration to Startup.cs and customize the configuration options as needed.

      //options.UseHmacKey = false;
      //options.QueryPath = "content/v2?cache=false";
      //options.Cache = true;
  • UseHmacKey
    • When the option is set to true, you determine your requests is used HMAC key for the requests.
    • When the option is set to false, single key will be used and your search response will be filtered some values by our default conventions.
      • For example: [Status] field should be "Published", [RolesWithReadAccess] should allow for only viewer.
    • The default value is true.
  • Cache– Specify whether your query will be cached in the Optimizely Graph server. Default value is true.