Command Manager
Describes how to work with Command Manager to handle actions in Commerce Manager in Optimizely Commerce Connect 13.
This content does not apply to Commerce Connect versions 14+.
CommandManager is a class for handling actions in Commerce Manager. The following command types are available:
- Navigate – Navigation to another page.
- OpenWindow – Open popup in new window.
- OpenFrameModalPopup – Open modal popup (IFrame) in current window.
- ServerAction – Server action (POST) with calling of special server handler.
- ClientAction – Client action with calling of predefined JavaScript.
Commands defined in XML files
Commands are defined in the View/Commands section of an XML file and look like this:
<Command id="Command_Name1">
The following example shows how to bind a command to a toolbar button simply by adding the commandName attribute with the command identifier to Button.
<Button id="Button1" text="button text" commandName="Command_Name1"></Button>
The navigate-type command can contain the following tags:
- Url (string) – URL to page for navigation.
- Target (string) – Navigate to named frame.
- EnableHandler – Server handler in the format "className, assemblyName" defining accessibility of the command.
The server handler must implement the ICommandEnableHandler interface.
ICommandEnableHandler interface
public class CanAdminHandler : ICommandEnableHandler
public bool IsEnable(object Sender, object Element)
bool retval = false;
return retval;
<Command id="MC_ListApp_ManageList">
Dynamic parameters for Url parameter
You can use the following templates as dynamic parameters for the Url parameter.
- {QueryString:KeyName} – Get value for KeyName parameter from QueryString for current page.
- {HttpContext:KeyName} – Get value for KeyName from HttpContext.
- {Session:KeyName} – Get value from KeyName from ASP.NET Session.
- {DataContext:KeyName} – Get value from KeyName from DataContext.
- {Security:KeyName} – Get value from security context. KeyName can get the following values:
- CurrentUser (CurrentUserId) – ID of current user.
- {DateTime:KeyName} – Get date value. Keyname can get following values for date:
- Today (TodayStart) – Starting of current day.
- ThisWeek (ThisWeekyStart) – Starting of current week.
- ThisMonth (ThisMonthStart) – Starting of current month.
- ThisYear (ThisYearStart) – Starting of current year.
- Yesterday (YesterdayStart) – Starting of previous day.
- LastWeek (LastWeekStart) – Starting of previous week.
- LastMonth (LastMonthStart) – Starting of previous month.
- LastYear (LastYearStart) – Starting of previous year.
- TodayEnd – End for current day.
- ThisWeekEnd – End of current week.
- ThisMonthEnd – End of current month.
- ThisYearEnd – End of current year.
- YesterdayEnd – End of previous day.
- LastWeekEnd – End of previous week.
- LastMonthEnd – End of previous month.
- LastYearEnd – End of previous year.
- [ClientParam:ParameterName] – Gets parameter name from CommandParameters collection, for example [ClientParam:PrimaryKeyId].
The OpenWindow-type command can contain the following tags:
- Url (string) – Url to page for opening in pop-up window. You can use the same templates as in the Navigate-type command.
- Width (int) – Width in pixels for window(default, 640).
- Height (int) – Height in pixels for window(default, 480).
- Left (int) – Left position for window (show in center by default).
- Top (int) – Top position for window(show in center by default).
- Scroll (True/False) – Allow scroll bar for window or not.
- Resize (True/False) – Allow resize for window or not.
- RefreshMethod (string) – JavaScript function name with one parameter, which will be called after window close.
- UpdatePanelIds (string) – List of UpdatePanels IDs, which necessary to update after window close.
- EnableHandler (string) – Server handler in format "className, assemblyName" which define accessibility of the command.
In WEB, you do not have a standard use-case for monitoring closed pop-up windows, so you need to take additional actions. To update the parent window, run the following code:
CommandManager.RegisterRefreshParentWindowScript(this.Page, param);
The param string parameter is sent to the JavaScript function; if you do not need any parameters for the client side, send String.Empty.
Use the following code to close the current pop-up windows and refresh parent windows:
CommandManager.RegisterCloseOpenedWindowScript(this.Page, param);
For updating UpdatePanels in the parent window (which are defined in the XML description), run the following code.
Update UpdatePanels
CommandParameters cp = new CommandParameters(commandId);
CommandManager.RegisterRefreshParentWindowScript(this.Page, cp.ToString());
string command = String.Empty;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CommandName))
CommandParameters cp = new CommandParameters(CommandName);
command = cp.ToString();
The commandId command name is mapped from <Commandid=""> in the XML.
commandId command name
<Command id="MC_TimeTracking_MultipleAdd">
CommandParameters cp = new CommandParameters("MC_TimeTracking_MultipleAdd");
CommandManager.RegisterRefreshParentWindowScript(this.Page, cp.ToString());
The OpenFrameModalPopup-type of command can contain these tags:
- Url (string) – URL to page for opening in pop-up window. You can use the same templates as in the Navigate-type command.
- Width (int) – Width in pixels for window (default, 640).
- Height (int) – Height in pixels for window (default, 480).
- Left (int) – Left position for window (displayed in center by default).
- Top (int) – Top position for window (displayed in center by default).
- PopupTitle (string) – Pop-up window title.
- Drag (True/False) – Allow to drag window or not (default False).
- UpdatePanelIds (string) – List of UpdatePanels IDs, which is necessary to update after the window closes.
- EnableHandler (string) – Server handler in format "className, assemblyName", which defines accessibility of the command.
- AutoHeightResize (True/False) – When True, if the pop-up dialog cannot be displayed in the browser, its height is adjusted.
OpenFrameModalPopup example
<Command id="MC_ListApp_AddMetaField">
The .ascx-control, which should be displayed in dialog, must implement the IModalPopupControl interface:
Implement the IModalPopupControl interface
public partial class QuickAddControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl, IModalPopupControl
#region IModalPopupControl Members
public void BindData(string p)
public string ContainerId
if (ViewState["ContainerId"] != null)
return ViewState["ContainerId"].ToString();
return String.Empty;
ViewState["ContainerId"] = value;
public string ScriptHidePopup
if (ViewState["ScriptHidePopup"] != null)
return ViewState["ScriptHidePopup"].ToString();
return String.Empty;
ViewState["ScriptHidePopup"] = value;
To update the parent window and close the ModalPopup, run the following code:
CommandParameters cp = new CommandParameters(commandId);
CommandManager.RegisterCloseOpenedFrameScript(this.Page, cp.ToString());
If the parent window contains UpdatePanels, and you need to run a full update for the window when the button id="Btn1" is pressed, run the following code in Page_Load for the .ascx control:
For closingModalPopup:
CancelButton.OnClientClick = CommandManager.GetCloseOpenedFrameScript(this.Page, String.Empty, false, true);
If you need to run another command from ModalPopup:
CommandManager cm = CommandManager.GetCurrent(this.Page);
Dictionary<string, string> prms = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string command = cm.AddCommand(className, viewName, placeName, "MC_TimeTracking_MultipleAdd", prms);
MultipleAddLink.NavigateUrl = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "javascript:{0};{1}", ScriptHidePopup, command);
Example: UI for IFrame ModalPopup:

The following steps create a dialog box for a MyPage.aspx custom page.
- Create an .ascx control implementing the IModalPopupControl interface, and name it MyControl.ascx.
- Create an XML file with the name MyPage.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <View xmlns=""> <ListViewUI> <Commands> <add> <Command id="MyCommand"> <CommandType>OpenModalPopup</CommandType> <Url>~/Apps/MyControl.ascx</Url> <Width>300</Width> <Height>200</Height> <Left>100</Left> <Top>100</Top> <Drag>True</Drag> <PopupTitle>Some Title</PopupTitle> </Command> </add> </Commands> </ListViewUI> </View>
- Run the following code for MyPage to display the dialog box:
CommandManager cm = CommandManager.GetCurrent(this.Page); CommandParameters cp = new CommandParameters("MyCommand"); string command = cm.AddCommand("MyPage ", "", "", cp);
4. After you run the AddCommand method, the variable command contains JavaScript code. If you add the javascript: prefix, you can use the NavigateUrl property for the HyperLink control.
The ServerAction-type command can contain the following tags:
- ConfirmationText (string) – Text in the confirmation dialog box. If this parameter is not defined, it does not display text.
- Handler (string) – Server handler for command in format "className, assemblyName".
- UpdatePanelIds (string) – List of UpdatePanels IDs, which are necessary to update after window close.
- EnableHandler (string) – Server handler in format "className, assemblyName" which defines the accessibility of the command.
Example: ServerAction-type command
<Command id="MC_ListApp_Selected_Delete">
<Handler>Mediachase.Ibn.DeleteSelectedItemsHandler, Mediachase.UI.Web</Handler>
The server handler must implement the ICommand interface. The following is an example of the server handler, with actions for selected elements in the grid:
Server handler implementing ICommand interface
public class DeleteHandler : ICommand
public void Invoke(object Sender, object Element)
if (Element is CommandParameters)
CommandParameters cp = (CommandParameters)Element;
string[] selectedElements = MetaGrid.GetCheckedCollection(((CommandManager)Sender).Page,
foreach (string elem in selectedElements)
string id = elem.Split(new string[] { "::" },
// Here some actions for elements
// ...
The following example shows how to get the primaryKeyId for a grid record:
Example: get primaryKeyId for grid record
CommandParameters cp = (CommandParameters)Element;
if (cp.CommandArguments["primaryKeyId"] == null) throw new ArgumentException();
PrimaryKeyId pk = PrimaryKeyId.Parse(cp.CommandArguments["primaryKeyId"]);
The ClientAction-type command can contain the following tags:
- ClientScript – String containing JavaScript, use a template like {TemplateType:KeyName} (see the Navigate section for the description).
- EnableHandler (string) – Server handler in the format "className, assemblyName" defining accessibility of the command.
Updated 5 months ago