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Record order activities

Describes how to record the tracking history of a specific orders for audit and analysis purposes in Optimizely Commerce Connect 13.

A wide range of events related to order/shipment status update, payment and promotion of an order will be automatically recorded and users can view it in the Order Notes section in the Order Management view.

OrderActivity logs order activities from the Order Managament (CSR). Recording of order activities is based on the OrderNote feature. The OrderActivityEvent enum defines events that will be recorded when processing an Order, and the IOrderActivity interface extends from IOrderNote.

When processing an Order, activities will be recorded automatically to the OrderNote collection, and the OrderNote collection of OrderGroup will contain both OrderNote and OrderActivity. You can add custom OrderNote in Order Management. These are of Custom note type, whereas the OrderActivity is a System note type which cannot be updated or deleted.

OrderActivityEvent enum

This defines the event types that will be recorded for OrderActivity.

OrderGroupCreatedA purchase order is created.
OrderGroupOnHoldThe order is on hold.
OrderGroupCompletedThe order is completed.
OrderGroupInProgressThe order is in progress.
OrderGroupCancelledThe order is canceled.
ShipmentAwaitingInventoryThe shipment is waiting for inventory.
ShipmentCancelledThe shipment is canceled.
ShipmentPackingThe shipment is added to pickList.
ShipmentReleasedThe shipment is released.
ShipmentShippedThe shipment is shipped.
ReturnCreatedA return is created.
AddingPaymentA new payment is added.
CreatingRefundA refund is created for the order.
ReturnReceiptItemsThe return has been received.
PromotionAddCouponA coupon code is added.
PromotionManualDiscountA manual discount is added.
PromotionRemoveCouponA coupon code is removed.

IOrderActivity interface

IOrderActivity extends from IOrderNote.

ItemData typeDescription
EventTypeOrderActivityEventThe event type defined in the OrderActivityEvent enum.
ChannelstringThe channel of the order activity, for example Order Management.

Loading OrderActivity for OrderGroup

OrderGroup, all OrderActivity, and OrderNote will be loaded in the OrderNotes property.