Order manipulation
Describes how manipulate orders in Optimizely Commerce Connect 13 including creating, loading, saving and deleting carts, wish lists, payment plans, shipments, order forms, and purchase orders.
Manipulation of purchase orders and related items is based on classes and methods in the EPiServer.Commerce.Order namespace.
These are the key interfaces:
- IOrderRepository
- IOrderRepositoryExtensions
- IOrderGroupExtensions
- IOrderGroupFactory
If you have more than 10 cart instances, cart cache is not really helpful as the cache invalidation can impact site performance. You can use the episerver:commerce.DisableOrderRepositoryCache setting to turn off cart cache. Only use the setting if you are aware of the consequences. [Applies to version 13.13.0 and higher].
Create orders
When creating orders using the default implementation of IOrderGroupFactory, there is always an IOrderForm in the Forms collection. There is also always an IShipment on the Shipments collection of the IForm. If you create a custom IOrderGroupFactory, assume you need this as well.
Example: Creating a cart, purchase order, and payment plan.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
//Create cart
var cart = orderRepository.Create<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//Create purchase order
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Create<IPurchaseOrder>(contactId, "Default");
//Create payment plan
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Create<IPaymentPlan>(contactId, "Default");
Load orders
Example: Loading a cart, wishlist, payment plan, and purchase order.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
//loading cart will return null if it does not exist
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
var cart = orderRepository.Load<ICart>(orderGroupId);
var cart = orderRepository.Load(orderReference) as ICart;
//load all carts for customer
var carts = orderRepository.Load<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//load or create cart will create cart if does not exist
var cart = orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart(contactId, "Default");
//loading wishlist will return null if does not exist
var wishlist = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Wishlist");
var wishlist = orderRepository.Load<ICart>(orderGroupId);
var wishlist = orderRepository.Load(orderReference) as ICart;
//load all whishlists for customer
var wishlists = orderRepository.Load<ICart>(contactId, "Wishlist");
//load or create wishlist will create cart if does not exist
var wishlist = orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart(contactId, "Wishlist");
//loading purchase order
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load(orderReference) as IPurchaseOrder;
var purchaseOrder = orderRepository.Load<IPurchaseOrder>(orderGroupId);
//loading purchase orders for customer
var purchaseOrders = orderRepository.Load<IPurchaseOrder>(contactId, "Default");
//loading payment plan
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Load(orderReference) as IPaymentPlan;
var paymentPlan = orderRepository.Load<IPaymentPlan>(orderGroupId);
//loading payment plans for customer
var paymentPlans = orderRepository.Load<IPaymentPlan>(contactId, "Default");
//loading all order for customer
var orders = orderRepository.Load(contactId, "Default");
Save orders
Example: Saving a cart, purchase order, and payment plan.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var reference = orderRepository.Save(cart);
var reference = orderRepository.Save(purchaseOrder);
var reference = orderRepository.Save(paymentPlan);
var reference = orderRepository.SaveAsPurchaseOrder(cart);
var reference = orderRepository.SaveAsPaymentPlan(cart);
Delete orders
Example: Deleting an order.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
Work with order forms
Example: Creating and deleting an order form.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//create and add new order form (b2b)
var orderForm = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderForm(cart);
orderForm.Name = "Default";
//delete order form
Work with shipments
Example: Adding and removing shipments from order forms.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//Create and add shipment to first form
var shipment = orderGroupFactory.CreateShipment(cart);
//pass in orderGroupFactory for unit testing as a from will be created if there is none o
cart.AddShipment(shipment, orderGroupFactory);
//Set address after adding to collection because of limitation in implementation
shipment.ShippingAddress = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
//Create and add shipment to second form (b2b)
var secondForm = cart.Forms.Last();
var shipment = orderGroupFactory.CreateShipment(cart);
cart.AddShipment(secondForm, shipment);
//Set address after adding to collection becasue of limitation in implementation
shipment.ShippingAddress = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
//Remove shipment from first form
//Remove shipment from second form (b2b)
Work with payments
Example: Adding and removing payments from order form.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//Create and add payment to first form
var creditCard = orderGroupFactory.CreateCardPayment(cart);
var invoice = orderGroupFactory.CreatePayment(cart);
//pass in orderGroupFactory for unit testing as a from will be created if there is none on the cart.
cart.AddPayment(creditCard, orderGroupFactory);
cart.AddPayment(invoice, orderGroupFactory);
//Set address after adding to collection becasue of limitation in implementation
creditCard.BillingAddress = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
//Create and add payment to second form (b2b)
var secondForm = cart.Forms.Last();
var creditCard = orderGroupFactory.CreateCardPayment(cart);
var invoice = orderGroupFactory.CreatePayment(cart);
cart.AddPayment(secondForm, creditCard);
cart.AddPayment(secondForm, invoice);
//Set address after adding to collection becasue of limitation in implementation
creditCard.BillingAddress = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
//Remove payment from first form
//Remove payment from second form (b2b)
Work with line items
Example: Adding line items to shipments.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
//add line item to first shipment on first form
var lineItem = orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem("code", cart);
//use orderFactory for unit testing
cart.AddLineItem(lineItem, orderGroupFactory);
//add line item to second shipment on first form
var shipment = cart.GetFirstForm().Shipments.Last();
var lineItem = orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem("code", cart);
cart.AddLineItem(shipment, lineItem);
//add line item to second form first shipment
var orderForm = cart.Forms.Last();
var lineItem = orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem("code", cart);
//add orderFactory for unit testing
cart.AddLineItem(orderForm, lineItem, orderGroupFactory);
//remove line item from first form first shipment
//remove line item from first form second shipment
//remove line item from second form first shipment (b2b)
Work with addresses
Example: Getting billing and shipping addresses.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
var address = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
//Use Id to reuse
address.Id = "Billing";
cart.GetFirstForm().Payments.First().BillingAddress = address;
//Since there is already an address with "Billing" it will use that address instead of creating another one on the order.
var reuseOtherAddress = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderAddress(cart);
reuseOtherAddress.Id = "Billing";
cart.GetFirstShipment().ShippingAddress = reuseOtherAddress;
//Region Name and Region Code should be used when dealing with states
address.RegionName = "California";
address.RegionCode = "CA";
address.CountryCode = "US";
address.CountryName = "United States";
Work with notes
Example: Adding notes to orders.
var orderRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderRepository>();
var orderGroupFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IOrderGroupFactory>();
var contactId = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId();
var cart = orderRepository.LoadCart<ICart>(contactId, "Default");
var notes = cart.Notes;
var note = orderGroupFactory.CreateOrderNote(cart);
note.CustomerId = contactId;
note.Type = OrderNoteTypes.Custom.ToString();
note.Title = "Noted";
note.Detail = "Something should be noted.";
note.Created = DateTime.UtcNow;
Related blog post: CartHelper is dead, long live IOrderRepository
Updated 5 months ago