Integrate Search & Navigation
Describes the integration of Optimizely Search & Navigation with Optimizely Commerce Connect 13.
The integration is Commerce Connect-specific and ensures that catalog content is treated like regular content when implementing search features. The integration is installed using the NuGet package EPiServer.Find.Commerce.
The typed catalog content (content inheriting from CatalogContentBase) is indexed when something happens in the catalog. It does not matter if the changes are done in the Catalog user interface, Commerce Manager, through IContentRepository, DTOs, or through the Service API. Search & Navigation indexes the typed content on one of the front-end servers.
By default, prices and inventories are indexed together with the catalog content. This is a conventions setting that you can remove. See Change default conventions.
The catalog content is updated in the index when price/inventory events occur, if prices/inventories have the conventions to be indexed. The default price and inventory provider raises the events needed to make re-indexing possible at price/inventory changes. A custom price/inventory provider needs to raise the events to have correct price/inventory information in the index.
Updated 5 months ago