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Configure notifications

Describes how to configure the SMTP email notification features in Optimizely Customized Commerce 13.

Name of sender

  1. Locate the appSettings section in the web.config file or in the appSettings.config file, which should be in the website root folder.
  2. Change the value of the Mediachase.StoreEmail key to your store's email address.
  3. Change the value of the Mediachase.StoreTitle key to your store's title. This appears in the subject of the email that your store sends to customers.

email body formatting provider

  1. Locate your website's web.config file.
  2. Locate the node /Configuration/FrameWorkProviders/templateService.
  3. Add a custom template provider to provide a different format to your emails.
  4. Configure this provider to be the default provider.

SMTP account

  1. Locate your website's web.config file.
  2. Locate the node /Configuration/System.net/.
  3. Add nodes for mailSettings and SMTP.
  4. Configure the nodes' attributes according to your SMTP server settings. For testing purposes, remove the user name and password attributes.

Example: SMTP account configuration

        <smtp from="your email address" deliveryMethod="Network">
        <network defaultCredentials="false"
                 host="url to your smtp server"
                 port="smtp servers port"
                 username=your username
                 password=your passwordsmtp>