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Get started with a demo site

Describes how to get started with the demo sites available for Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) (SaaS).

CMS (SaaS) provides a wide range of preconfigured starter kits and repositories hosted on GitHub designed to help you quickly set up and explore the capabilities. The step-by-step guides walk you through how to set up a CMS (SaaS) instance and deploy it to a front-end built with Next.js. The complete sample site provides everything you need to get a demo site up and running with minimal configuration.

These tool kits let you get up and running quickly to explore the capabilities of CMS (SaaS). The content is preconfigured and imported, eliminating the need to handle content modeling. If you prefer to start with a blank CMS (SaaS) instance, see Get started from scratch.

Step-by-step guides

Complete sample site

  • Mosey Bank sample site GitHub repository – A quick guide for demoing Visual Builder using the pre-built sample "Mosey Bank" content. Mosey Bank is a fictitious online bank used to demo the capabilities of CMS (SaaS).