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Error codes

Shows Server-to-Server API error codes and what they mean.

Generic parsing errors

Error codeDescription
MalformedJsonMalformed JSON or the mandatory elements are missing. The exception message includes complete information about the structural errors or JSON parsing errors.

Missing elements

The following list shows error codes for the mandatory elements missing per page type. The mandatory nature of these elements is conditional to the type property of the message. Therefore, these elements are marked as [Optional], but must be included for certain message types.

These error codes cover situations where elements were expected but not found, either because the element was missing, misspelled, or had a different type, structure, or incorrect child elements.

Error codeDescription
MalformedJsonThis is the generic parsing when there is malformed JSON or the mandatory elements (the ones not marked as optional) are missing. The exception message includes complete information about the structural or JSON parsing error.
MissingOrMalformedCategoryNo category element found.
MissingOrMalformedProductNo product element found.
MissingOrMalformedBasketNo basket element found or malformed basket contents.
MissingOrMalformedOrderNoNo orderNo element found.
MissingOrMalformedCurrencyNo currency element found.
MissingOrMalformedSubtotalNo subtotal element found.
MissingOrMalformedShippingNo shipping element found.
MissingOrMalformedTotalNo total element found.

Business logic errors

The following error codes cover well-formed JSON constraints in the business logic, such as the product ID is not found in the database, or the values are not recognized as valid.

Error codeDescription
TypeNotRecognizedMessage type not recognized.
CategoryNotRecognizedcategory value not recognized.
SiteNotRecognizedsite value not recognized.
LocationNotRecognizedlang value not recognized. Language code is not valid. See Language codes for the correct values to use.
RecContentNotRecognizedrecContent value not recognized. It should be either full or refCodeOnly.