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Ajax tracking plus recommendations

Describes how to configure tracking using Ajax to send to Optimizely Recommendations.

Ajax tracking can be used when an element, form, or page state is loaded, or refreshed  on  a webpage using Ajax, and the updated tracking information needs to be sent to the Optimizely Recommendations tracking system. As a response to this request, Optimizely returns any widgets configured for the page. When the recommendations are ready, they are passed to the smartRecs callback function in the form of JSON data.

var PeeriusCallbacks={ 
      smartRecs:function(jsonData) {
        // rendering code here ….

Tracking requests

Ajax tracking supports the same page types as the normal JavaScript API tracking. The elements to be included in the tracking variable for each page type are also the same. There is one additional element, which is common to all requests and needs to be provided every time, and this is site. The site value will be provided to you by Optimizely.

The implementation of Ajax tracking consists of three stages:

  • Stage 1 – An updated version of the tracking needs to be stored in a variable.
  • Stage 2 – The contents of the variable need to be encoded by calling the encodeURIComponent method.
  • Stage 3 – Send the updates to the Optimizely Recommendations tracking system by calling Peerius.sendAjax("rest.pagex?jd="+json)


var json = {
                 "site"    : "clientname", 
                 "type"    : "home",
                 "lang"    : "en-gb",
                 "channel" : "web", 
                 "user"    : { "id": "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Product page

var json = {
                 "site"    : "clientname", 
                 "type"    : "product",
                 "lang"    : "en-gb",
                 "channel" : "web", 
                 "product" : { "refCode": "PROD500" },
                 "user"    : { "id": "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Category page

var json = {
                 "site"     : "clientname", 
                 "type"     : "category",
                 "lang"     : "en-gb",
                 "channel"  : "web",
                 "category" : "Clothing>Dresses", 
                 "user"     : { "id": "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Basket page

var json = {
                 "site"    : "clientname", 
                 "type"    : "basket",
                 "lang"    : "en-gb",
                 "channel" : "web", 
                 "basket"  : {
                               "items"    : [{
                                               "refCode" : "PROD500", 
                                               "qty"     : 1,
                                               "price"   : 165.00
                                               "refCode" : "PROD600", 
                                               "qty"     : 1,
                                              "price"   : 85.00
                               "currency" : "GBP"
                 "user"    : { "id": "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Checkout page

var json = {
                 "site"     : "clientname", 
                 "type"     : "checkout",
                 "lang"     : "en-gb",
                 "channel"  : "web", 
                 "checkout" : {
                                "items"    : [{
                                                "refCode": "PROD500", 
                                                "qty": 1,
                                                "price": 165.00
                                                "refCode": "PROD600", 
                                                "qty": 1,
                                                "price": 85.00
                                "currency" : "GBP", 
                                "subtotal" : 246.00,
                                "shipping" : 4.00,
                                "total"    : 250.00
                 "user"     : { "id" : "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Order confirmation page

var json = {
                 "site"    : "clientname", 
                 "type"    : "order",
                 "lang"    : "en-gb",
                 "channel" : "web", 
                 "order"   : {
                               "orderNo"  : "ABC-DE-123456",
                               "items"    : [{
                                               "refCode": "PROD500", 
                                               "qty": 1,
                                               "price": 165.00
                                               "refCode": "PROD600", 
                                               "qty": 1,
                                               "price": 85.00
                               "currency" : "GBP", 
                               "subtotal" : 246.00,
                               "shipping" : 4.00,
                               "total"    : 250.00
                 "user"    : { "id" : "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Search results page

Successful search

var json = {
                 "site"          : "clientname", 
                 "type"          : " searchresults", 
                 "lang"          : "en-gb",
                 "channel"       : "web", 
                 "searchResults" : {
                                     "term"    : " hello",
                                     "results" : [{
                                                    "refCode" : " PROD500"
                                                    "refCode" : " PROD600"
                 "user"          : { "id" : "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Empty search (no results)

var json = {
                 "site"          : "clientname", 
                 "type"          : " searchresults", 
                 "lang"          : "en-gb",
                 "channel"       : "web", 
                 "searchResults" : {
                                     "term"    : " hello",
                                     "results" : []
                 "user"          : { "id" : "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 

Other page

var json = {
                 "site"    : "clientname", 
                 "type"    : " other",
                 "lang"    : "en-gb",
                 "channel" : "web", 
                 "user"    : { "id" : "abcd1234efgh" }
    json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); 