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Checkout page

Similar to the basket page, you also provide subtotal, shipping, and total basket value.

Name Description and usage
checkout Element containing checkout specific sub-elements
  items List of checkout items.
    refcode Product reference code
    qty [Number]




Unit price.
  currency Currency code.
  subtotal [Number]

Subtotal amount.
  shipping [Number]

Shipping cost.
  total [Number]

Total amount of checked-out products including shipping cost.

See also Currency codes.

A checkout page is tracked using the following script.

      "type"     : "checkout",
      "lang"     : "en-gb",
      "checkout" : {
        "items"   : [{
          "refCode" : "PROD500",
          "qty"     : 2,
          "price"   : 25.5
          "refCode" : "PROD600",
          "qty"     : 4,
          "price"   : 12.0
        "currency" : "GBP",	
        "subtotal" : 99.0,
        "shipping" : 3.0,
        "total"    : 102.0

As with the basket page example, this example illustrates a basket with 6 items in total: 2 units of PROD500 @ £25.50 each and 4 units PROD600 @ £12.00 each. This example also includes the sub-total of £99.00, shipping cost of £3.00, and  total of £102.00.



You can also add the customAttributes or customer elements to this page tracking request. For more information, see Add customAttributes or customer elements (Optional).