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Library events


An asset (article, image, video, raw file, or structured content) was added to the library for reasons including, but not limited to, uploading assets, completing a task, and so on.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is asset_added.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[asset]objectData of the asset associated with the event.
data[asset][id]stringUnique identifier of the asset.
data[asset][owner_organization_id]stringOwner organization ID of the asset.
data[asset][type]stringType of the asset. Value can be article, image, video, raw_file, or structured_content.
data[asset][source]objectSource of the asset.
data[asset][source][id]string or nullIdentifier of the source. Sends the ID of a task if the asset is added by completing the task.
data[asset][source][type]string or nullType of the source. Sends task as the value, if the asset is added by completing the task.
data[asset][source][links]objectLinks related to the asset source.
data[asset][source][links][self]string or nullURL to fetch the source details through the CMP Open API. Sends the URL of the task API if the asset is added by completing the task.
data[asset][links]objectLinks related to the asset.
data[asset][links][self]stringURL to fetch the asset's details through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "asset_added",
  "data": {
    "asset": {
      "id": "019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff981",
      "owner_organization_id": "5108c3a9becac35915111191",
      "type": "image",
      "source": {
          "id": "656893caea057917c5796f2e",
          "type": "task",
          "links": {
            "self": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/tasks/656893caea057917c5796f2e"
      "links": {
        "self": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/images/019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff981"


An asset (article, image, video, raw file, or structured content) was removed from the library for reasons including, but not limited to, deleting assets.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is asset_removed.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[asset]objectData of the asset associated with the event.
data[asset][id]stringUnique identifier of the asset.
data[asset][owner_organization_id]stringOwner organization ID of the asset.
data[asset][type]stringType of the asset. Value can be article, image, video, raw_file, or structured_content.


  "event_name": "asset_removed",
  "data": {
    "asset": {
      "id": "870825113a12950a7eeeb64a64236d49",
      "owner_organization_id": "5108c3a9becac35915111191",
      "type": "article"


An asset (article, image, video, raw file, or structured content) was modified in the library.

The event is triggered when specific attributes of a file type change, as listed below.

  • article – title, labels, file location, expires_at, tags, owner_id, url, is_archived
  • image & video – title, description, labels, file location, versions, alt_text, expires_at, tags, attribution_text, owner_id, url, is_archived
  • raw file – title, description, labels, file location, versions, expires_at, tags, attribution_text, owner_id, url, is_archived
  • structured content – file location, tags, owner_id, is_archived


event_namestringName of the event. The value is asset_modified.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[asset]objectData of the asset associated with the event.
data[asset][id]stringUnique identifier of the asset.
data[asset][owner_organization_id]stringOwner organization ID of the asset.
data[asset][type]stringType of the asset. Value can be article, image, video, raw_file, or structured_content.
data[asset][source]objectSource of the asset.
data[asset][source][id]string or nullIdentifier of the source. Sends the ID of a task if the asset is modified by completing the task.
data[asset][source][type]string or nullType of the source. Sends task as the value, if the asset is modified by completing the task.
data[asset][source][links]objectLinks related to the asset source.
data[asset][source][links][self]string or nullURL to fetch the source details through the CMP Open API. Sends the URL of the task API if the asset is added by completing the task.
data[asset][links]objectLinks related to the asset.
data[asset][links][self]stringURL to fetch the asset's details through the CMP Open API.
data[attributes_changed]arrayList of attributes that trigger the webhook


  "event_name": "asset_modified",
  "data": {
    "asset": {
      "id": "019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff951",
      "owner_organization_id": "5108c3a9becac35915111191",
      "type": "image",
      "source": {
          "id": "656893caea057917c5796f2e",
          "type": "task",
          "links": {
            "self": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/tasks/656893caea057917c5796f2e"
      "links": {
        "self": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/images/019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff951"
    "attributes_changed": ["title", "description", "expires_at"]


An asset's renditions are created.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is asset_renditions_created.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[asset]objectData of the asset associated with the event.
data[asset][id]stringUnique identifier of the asset.
data[asset][owner_organization_id]stringOwner organization ID of the asset.
data[asset][type]stringType of the asset.
data[asset][links]objectLinks related to the asset.
data[asset][links][self]stringURL to fetch the asset's details through the CMP Open API.
data[asset][links][renditions]stringURL to fetch the asset's renditions through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "asset_renditions_created",
  "data": {
    "asset": {
      "id": "019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff951",
      "owner_organization_id": "5108c3a9becac35915111191",
      "type": "image",
      "links": {
        "self": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/images/019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff951",
        "renditions": "https://api.cmp.optimizely.com/v3/assets/019a86405de737b4ec3e616a4aeff951/renditions"