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External work management events


An external substep was started from a task.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_started.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work]objectData of the external work associated with the external substep.
data[external_work][external_system]stringName of the external system associated with the external work.
data[external_work][links]objectLinks related to the external work.
data[external_work][links][self]stringURL to fetch the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_started",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": ""
    "external_work": {
      "external_system": "Trello",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""


An external substep was completed from a task.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_completed.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work]objectData of the external work associated with the external substep.
data[external_work][external_system]stringName of the external system associated with the external work.
data[external_work][links]objectLinks related to the external work.
data[external_work][links][self]stringURL to fetch the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_completed",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": ""
    "external_work": {
      "external_system": "Trello",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""


The assignee or due date of an external substep was modified.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_modfied.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work]objectData of the external work associated with the external substep.
data[external_work][external_system]stringName of the external system associated with the external work.
data[external_work][links]objectLinks related to the external work.
data[external_work][links][self]stringURL to fetch the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.
data[external_work][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the external work through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_modified",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": ""
    "external_work": {
      "external_system": "Jira",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""


A top-level comment was added to an external substep.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_comment_added.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][comments]stringURL to fetch the comments associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[comment]objectData of the comment.
data[comment][id]stringUnique identifier of the comment.
data[comment][links]objectLinks related to the comment.
data[comment][links][self]stringURL to fetch the comment through the CMP Open API.
data[comment][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.
data[comment][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_comment_added",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": "",
        "comments": ""
    "comment": {
      "id": "8f68911d83eeb10591933b4q",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""


A top-level comment was removed from an external substep.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_comment_removed.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][comments]stringURL to fetch the comments associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[comment]objectData of the comment.
data[comment][id]stringUnique identifier of the comment.
data[comment][links]objectLinks related to the comment.
data[comment][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.
data[comment][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_comment_removed",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": "",
        "comments": ""
    "comment": {
      "id": "8f68911d83eeb10591933b4q",
      "links": {
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""


A top-level comment was modified in an external substep of a task.


event_namestringName of the event. The value is external_sub_step_comment_modified.
dataobjectData of the event.
data[task]objectData of the task associated with the external substep.
data[task][id]stringUnique identifier of the task.
data[task][links]objectLinks related to the task.
data[task][links][self]stringURL to fetch the task through the CMP Open API.
data[task][links][assets]stringURL to fetch the assets associated with the task through the CMP Open API.
data[step]objectData of the step associated with the external substep.
data[step][id]stringUnique identifier of the step.
data[step][links]objectLinks related to the step.
data[step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the step through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step]objectData of the substep associated with the external substep.
data[sub_step][id]stringUnique identifier of the substep.
data[sub_step][links]objectLinks related to the substep.
data[sub_step][links][self]stringURL to fetch the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][external_work]stringURL to fetch the external work associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[sub_step][links][comments]stringURL to fetch the comments associated with the substep through the CMP Open API.
data[comment]objectData of the comment.
data[comment][id]stringUnique identifier of the comment.
data[comment][links]objectLinks related to the comment.
data[comment][links][self]stringURL to fetch the comment through the CMP Open API.
data[comment][links][task]stringURL to fetch the task associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.
data[comment][links][sub_step]stringURL to fetch the substep associated with the comment through the CMP Open API.


  "event_name": "external_sub_step_comment_modified",
  "data": {
    "task": {
      "id": "5f6a0312a5963d0591015e3e",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "assets": ""
    "step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b49",
      "links": {
        "task": ""
    "sub_step": {
      "id": "5f68911d83eeb10591933b4a",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "external_work": "",
        "comments": ""
    "comment": {
      "id": "8f68911d83eeb10591933b4q",
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "task": "",
        "sub_step": ""