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CMS (SaaS) for CMS developers



Optimizely CMS (SaaS) is in beta. Apply on the Optimizely beta signup page or contact your Customer Success Manager.

If you do not require a lot of customization and want to spend less time updating your CMS, Optimizely CMS (SaaS) is a complementary option to Optimizely Content Management System (CMS); it does not replace Optimizely CMS.

CMS (SaaS) is on the same platform as Optimizely CMS, which means it has a familiar user interface and the same content modeling capabilities existing developers know. Being based on the same platform also means that products will continue evolving.

Managed service

CMS (SaaS), in contrast with traditional CMS, is a service that is fully managed by Optimizely. As a developer, you cannot modify the service using code deployment as you can with traditional CMS, which means Optimizely can bring continuous improvement to the CMS (SaaS) service. By consuming content from the CMS, you can focus on delivering business value on the front end.

Headless and fully decoupled

CMS SaaS is a headless CMS service, and front-end applications will run fully decoupled from the service.
You can write the front-end application on your platform of choice. To create and configure the CMS application, you do not need to know .NET.

Optimizely Graph is the delivery API of choice for CMS (SaaS), and it is the same experience if you work with Optimizely Graph using the traditional CMS.

Import data from CMS

CMS (SaaS) can import content from a traditional CMS site using the standard Import or Export functionality.



Any data that relies on customizations may not carry across as expected. You can also export content from CMS (SaaS) to be imported into an Optimizely CMS site. However, the import and export feature in CMS only includes published content and not draft versions or any version history.