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These docs are for v1.2.0-visitor-intelligence. Click to read the latest docs for v1.1.0-recommendations.

Install and configure Visitor Intelligence (deprecated)

Deprecated: Describes how to install and configure Optimizely Visitor Intelligence, the user interface for viewing and filtering visitor profiles, and creating segments to be used as input for omnichannel marketing campaigns.



Visitor Intelligence is deprecated and no longer supported. For migration options to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP), contact your sales representative or customer success manager.



Optimizely Visitor Intelligence is dependent on Optimizely Profile Store to be installed for data tracking and storage. The Insight API is for Optimizely-internal use only, for the Visitor Intelligence user interface.

  1. To install Visitor Intelligence, you need to install the EPiServer.Insight.UI package. Enter install-package EPiServer.Insight.UI at the Package Manager Console prompt (PM> ) in Visual Studio.
  2. Open web.config and modify the following keys in the  section to configure a tracking account.
<add key="episerver:profiles.InsightApiBaseUrl" value="" />
<add key="episerver:profiles.InsightApiSubscriptionKey" value="" />
<add key="episerver:profiles.CloudUIBaseUrl" value="" />
- episerver:profiles.InsightApiBaseUrl. URL to the Insight API endpoint. The URL is sent together with the subscription key, when an account is created.
- episerver:profiles.InsightApiSubscriptionKey. Subscription key for the Visitor Intelligence account. The subscription key URL is sent together with the URL, when an account is created.
- episerver:profiles.CloudUIBaseUrl. URL to the cloud UI endpoint. The URL is sent together with the subscription key, when an account is created.