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Property data types

Shows the property data types for the Optimizely Content Definitions API.

List property data types

List property data types available in the system.

GET /api/episerver/v3.0/propertydatatypes

Common property data types

To createData TypeEditing experienceHints and tips
Plain short textPropertyStringOne row inputControl the allowed length with the length validation.
Plain long textPropertyLongString with hint TextareaText areaControl the allowed length with the length validation.
HtmlPropertyXhtmlStringA TinyMCE HTML editor 
Integer valuePropertyNumberControl the min and max values with the range validation.
DoublePropertyFloatNumberControl the min and max values with the range validation.
Date and timePropertyDateA date and time pickerControl the min and max values with the range validation.
Page typePropertyPageType Filter items in a list, and so on.
BLOBPropertyBlob Hold binary data (such as an image). Route to a BLOB with pattern {Url to content} or {BlobPropertyName}.
LanguagePropertyLanguageCheckbox list
Sort orderPropertySortOrderDropdown list
CategoryPropertyCategoryCategory pickerCategories are managed in the admin UI.
Dropdown listPropertyDropDownListDropdown listAvailable selections are managed from the admin UI.
Checkbox listPropertyCheckBoxListCheckbox listAvailable selections are managed from the admin UI.
Generic listPropertyCollection with itemType specifying the type of items within the listItemType can be built-in dataType like PropertyString or block types specified with the name of the block type. Supports length validation and another item validation optionally depending on item type.  
List of stringsPropertyStringListControl the allowed length with the itemLength validation. Control the number of strings with length validation. 
List of integersPropertyIntegerListControl the min and max values with the itemRange validation. Control the number of strings with length validation. 
List of doublesPropertyDoubleListControl the min and max values with the itemRange validation. Control the number of strings with length validation. 
List of datesPropertyDateListControl the min and max values with the itemRange validation. Control the number of strings with length validation. 

Work with other content

To createData TypeEditing experienceHints and tips
Link to any contentPropertyContentReferenceContent picker witdrag-and-dropop support
Link to a pagePropertyPageReferenceContent picker witdrag-and-dropop support 
Link to a media file of any typePropertyContentReference with hint MediaFileContent picker with
drag and drop support
Link to any file in the media repository.
Link to an imagePropertyContentReference with hint ImageContent picker with
drag and drop support
Lets an editor select content in the media repository by using baseType Image.
Link to a videoPropertyContentReference with hint VideoContent picker with
drag and drop support
Lets an editor select content in the media repository by using baseType Video.
Link to a media file with the possibility to append information in the URLPropertyUrl with hint
MediaFile, Image or Video
Content picker witdrag-and-dropop supportEach link can be an item inside Optimizely, such as page, media, and external URLs. Use URL instead of PropertyContentReferenct to add information, such as query string parameters to control size.
Link to internal or external resourcePropertyUrlLink dialog witdrag-and-dropop support 
Link to multiple external and internal resourcesPropertyLinkCollectionLink collection editor with drag-and-drop supportControl the number of links with length validation. 
Link to internal resourcesPropertyContentReferenceListContent picker with
drag and drop support
Control the number of content references with length validation. 
Include block dataPropertyBlock and itemType with the name of the block type. 
Display content from other contentPropertyContentArea


See Content types for validation information.